Thursday, October 31, 2019

Anemia Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Anemia - Research Paper Example It happens when our body fails on making healthy Red Blood Cells and leads to fatal diseases like cancer, thalassemia etc (Uthman 4). To understand how anemia gets itself rooted within a person’s body it becomes important to first understand what is the importance of Red Blood Cells in our body and why their deficiency cause anemia. It is a common assumption that human body has large proportion of blood but this is not true. Actually, blood makes up only a small fraction of our body’s volume i-e blood accounts for only seven present of the total body volume. Various systems in our body hugely depend upon blood circulation and its confinement most importantly the Circulatory system and Reticuloendothelial System (Uthman 7). Blood may appear to be like an inert liquid to the naked eye but in real sense it is living and breathing tissue just like any other body part. It consists of cells suspended in a liquid medium. Plasma is that liquid medium which accounts for about 60 percent of the total blood volume and it comprises of 93 percent water (Uthman 9). Besides water, it also consists of two types of proteins called albumin and globulins. Plasma also contains proteins that are involved in the coagulation of blood and are called coagulation factors. If we take plasma out of the blood and let it clot or coag ulate then the resulting fluid is called serum. The quantity of nutrients and other substances in serum helps evaluating anemia during laboratory testing. Forty percent of total blood volume is constituted by Blood Cells and the Red Blood Cells (RBCs or Erythrocytes) formulate the largest proportion while the other constituents are the White Blood Cells (Leukocytes) and Platelets. RBCs have nuclei in the DNA and are self-replicating cells that are made in the bone marrow. RBCs account for half of the total blood cells in the body and their only

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Religion and the Arts, Churches and Cathedrals - Buildings and Beliefs Essay

Religion and the Arts, Churches and Cathedrals - Buildings and Beliefs - Essay Example The medieval priory church has an interesting history, architectural features, and other unique elements The purpose of this paper is to investigate the history of the Priory Church of St. Bartholomew focusing on the period of its construction, analyse the architectural features characteristic of the period, and discuss other interesting aspects of the building. Smithfield was originally a flat grassy area of high ground to the north-west of the City of London, outside the city walls. During the Roman occupation, Smithfield was used as a cemetery and cremation grounds, since these were not permitted by Roman law within the walled City. During the Norman invasions, the Smithfield area reverted to agricultural use (Rees, 1996: 6). Before the founding of the priory, Smithfield was notorious as a place of public execution. However, the area was also used for more festive purposes such as tournaments, pageants and plays, and was well known throughout the mediaeval period for horse trading. From 1133 the monastery established the Bartholomew Fair, an annual three-day event on the eve of St. Bartholomew’s Day. The area designated for the Fair was extended over the years, and the event continued annually for over seven hundred years, sometimes lasting two weeks, until it was stopped in 1855. The cloth fair was known throughout Europe and the priory received large profits from the fair, through the centuries. With the ban on slaughtering within the city walls from 1381, there was development of meat and livestock trade at Smithfield (Rees, 1996:8, 7). According to Shepherd & Elmes (1929: 114), on the east side of Smithfield stands the parish church of St. Bartholomew the Great which originally adjoined the priory of St. Bartholomew. When the latter was pulled down to the choir, that part was used by the King’s order for the enlargement of the old Church. Later, when Queen Mary gave the

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Topic Of Tourism In UAE Tourism Essay

The Topic Of Tourism In UAE Tourism Essay The main aim to provide this study on the topic of tourism in UAE is to provide an overview of the condition in the United Arab Emirates. The below paragraphs given are divided into five chapters to study all about tourism in UAE which gives an overall information related with the tourism sector of United Arab Emirates. Chapter 1 is the Introduction which gives basic information about the things which we are going to do in our study. Chapter 2 consists of the Data collection and analysis of the data which tells about the nature of tourist and tourist destination place. Chapter 3 includes approach and methodology which is applied to get the data and Chapter 4 is included to analysis and interpret the data which is collected. At the end Chapter 5 consists of conclusion, recommendations and suggestions for the topic covered. CHAPTER-1 Introduction- INTRODUCTION- The country United Arab Emirates has a unique property that it is governed by the seven self governing sheikhs namely Sharjah, Umm al Qaiwain, Dubai, Ajman, Ras al-Khaimah, Abu Dhabi, Fujairah. As we all know that UAE is the favorite tourist destination around the globe and mostly in Middle East for both leisure travelers and business persons. There has been boost observed in the tourism industry of United Arab Emirates which is basically a result of development or production of different modes of communication. There are many reasons for the favorite tourism destination place of many business person due to crime free environment, traditional Arab hospitality and most importantly highly developed infrastructure. There are many tourist places which are worth admiring which have given boom in the tourism industry. RATIONALE OF THE STUDY- The basic principle to study the tourism sector of the United Arab Emirates is to learn about the destination places and the background of the tourism which indicates start of the tourism sector of the country. The study will be mainly focus on the nature of tourist that is where they prefer to go, number of tourist arriving and leaving and much more. There is comparison with the United States of America and United Kingdom of UAE tourism which can make them think about the situation about how they can cope up with the rising problems in the tourism sector. The most important reason for the base of the study is to remove the negative impacts of the sector. RESEARCH QUESTIONS- There are many questions which arise related with the tourism sector in the United Arab Emirates. Some of them are- What are the elements which contribute to the study of tourism in UAE? Why we are performing study on the tourism sector of United Arab Emirates? What is the position of tourism compared according to the countries like USA and UK? What are the negative impacts on the tourism sector of the United Arab Emirates? What are the famous places which are usually visited by most of the tourists? STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM- The main thing which comes in the way of tourism sector of United Arab Emirates is the comparison between USA and UK which has comparatively larger hub as a tourist place. Some negative impacts can also be counted from the tourism in United Arab Emirates which are stones on the way of success in United Arab Emirates. EXPLANATION OF THE TERMS- The main term which was used in the coming paragraph is Sustainable Tourism which is an industry committed towards maintaining the standard of the tourism industry making less impact on the environment and the local culture. Sustainable tourism cannot be related with the Ecotourism as it ensures that development can bring positive experience in the local people. OBJECTIVE OF STUDY- The main objective behind the study of tourism in United Arab Emirates is to study the deep concept of tourism in Middle East by studying about the incoming and outgoing of the tourists, favorite destination place of the tourists and historical attraction for tourists. There is comparison done between the tourism of countries UK and USA with the tourism sector of UAE. There are various factors which imposes negative factor on the tourism industry of UAE. DELIMITATION OF STUDY- Delimitation of study is basically the study which defines the scope or boundaries of the study. The proposals of development of the tourism sector of the country by the exclusionary and inclusionary decisions among which the choice of objectives and questions, alternative theoretical perspectives and variable interests can be adopted. There are various steps involved in the study which are described in the form of coming paragraphs in our study of tourism sector of United Arab Emirates. SCHEME OF CHAPTERIZATION- There are basically five chapters included in the study of tourism in United Arab Emirates in which first chapter consists of Introduction part which consists of the introduction of the study or issues which we will be going to raise in our further paragraphs. Second Chapter includes the review of literature related with the UAE tourism in which reviewing of international or local studies has been done and implications of review for the present study has been proposed in coming paragraphs. Third Chapter consists of Approach and Methodology which is clear from its name as the approach and method required for performing study. Fourth Chapter is included to make analysis on the data and provide with an interpretation which includes Data collection and analysis and major findings related with the topic. Last chapter consists of Conclusion, Recommendations and suggestions which will help in doing further studies on the tourism sector of United Arab Emirates. Chapter 2- Literature Review- INTRODUCTION- There are various types of studies done on the tourism sector of UAE in which basically we will be discussing about the two main types that are International Study and Local Study. The studies have been done on various factors which affect the tourism industry of the United Arab Emirates. Basically the literature review shows summary of some of the key literature underlying the framework report. The literature review is included as the three supplementary documents in the framework report and the other two are Indicators of Sustainability and Indicators and Sustainable tourism. As according to the sustainable development there is freedom to accept the shades of green in approaching sustainable tourism and based on this approach which holds development of tourism and tourists together and consider satisfaction of operator as central aim to the darker green which carry precautionary principle and concept of carrying features highly (Hunter, 1997). As we have discussed about Sustainable tourism which is taking place in most of the country including United Arab Emirates which means when we combine the term sustainable with the tourism then the latter must take on the social, environmental and economical considerations that are inherent in the former. There are many other factors included under three headings which are described above that is Social, environmental and economical. Butler in 1980 proposed a model of the evolution of development of tourism popularly known as tourist-area life cycle in which he tries to introduce the notion of carrying capacity which means that at any tourist place there is a limit to tourist members beyond which they are damage to the future capability of the area as a tourist attraction. Although tourism carrying capacity is a useful concept in the prevailing view of literature but it helps us to understand the practical and theoretical application of the sustainable tourism. INTERNATIONAL STUDIES- There are various studies being proposed in order to study the concept of tourism in the United Arab Emirates in which according to expert Dubai is the most favorite destination to the attract the foreigners to itself which is one of the seven emirates comprising the United Arab Emirates located on the Persian gulf. Various studies have shown that Dubai is the premier tourist destination place in the whole region which is complemented with the worlds largest man-made harbor by the bustling port industry of Jebel Ali. (Welcome to Dubai Travel guide) The writers have defined the city with innovation at its finest as it is getting much popularity and income from the tourist attraction which comes from real estates, massive infrastructure, breaking of Guinness Records and other activities related to sports, leisure, beaches and many more. However compared to other countries Dubai too comprises of share good travel spots to which most of people unwind and settle down for the time being. Dubai is considered as the important part of the governments strategy to maintain the flow of cash into the emirates from the foreign country. Mainly the tourists arrive in this city for shopping but also to attend other ancient and modern attractions of the country. According to the people, Dubai is basically considered as the shopping capital of the Middle East which draws a large number of shopping tourists from other countries within the region and as far from Europe also. LOCAL STUDY- When we talk about the local study then the main thing which comes into the mind of people is of a month long festival which is known as Dubai Shopping festival which is held during the month of January every year and during this time whole of the Emirates is observed as the shopping mall and additionally to attract the tourist and give rise to tourism this festival brings together folk dances, music shows and art exhibition. According to the localities, Sightseeing is considered as poor second for most of the visitors who basically comes considering Dubai as a shopping paradise. In the boom of economic development in the city like Dubai, various aspects of Dubais old culture overshadowed the former and some of the tourists can be found visiting the places around creek which makes Dubai split into two halves which are known as Bur Dubai and Deira. IMPLICATION OF REVIEW- As we have talked about the Sustainable tourism in the review which basically tells about the factors such as environment, economical and social, this comes into effect when we add tourism with the Sustainable. There are two types of studies done on the tourism sector of the United Arab Emirates which tells about the various factors related with the tourism industry and the places which are famous for the tourist destination. The suggestion for the review to improve the drawbacks which are coming on the way of the tourism of UAE is to improve the judicial procedure and improvement in tourist places should be done. Chapter 3- Approach and Methodology- INTRODUCTION- The approach used for finding the tourism information of the UAE is survey performed on the people of United Arab Emirates. There are various projects being run by the government in order to promote tourism in the country and especially in Dubai which has a mission of comprising of 86 percent of tourism related construction projects all over gulf in the next coming eight years which was reported by a newspaper of the UAE. (Abu Dhabi and dubai to lead the region tourism projects) The approach which is used for determining the information about the tourism sector of the country is to perform survey on the foreign tourist as well as the local tourist as well as performing analysis on the data collected. The nature of data is in the form of number which will be representing the nature of the people and reaction of the people with respect to their attendance to various destination of tourist and basically mostly survey could be performed in the Malls where most of the tourist are found as Dubai is considered as the Shopping destination of the Middle East. Sources of Data is basically aimed at viewing two section which comprises of National people and foreign tourists which are chosen for survey in order to get reaction over the destination places of tourists. Sample are considered as the surveys which are performed on the people which have come to visit the tourist places and the procedure to make survey is to perform survey in the Mall as mostly tourist come for shopping, famous tourist destination places and beaches. Data collection is based on the survey which we got from conducting on the people and analysis is done based on that survey. There are basically findings which are related with the tourism sector of the United Arab Emirates. DATA ANALYSIS- The analysis done through survey is basically used to find out the starting of the tourism industry in the United Arab Emirates, the comparison between the tourism industry of United Arab Emirates and United States of America and United Kingdom. The negative impacts which are coming on the way of tourism in the United Arab Emirates and the suggestion for removing the negative impacts on tourism. There is discussion on the famous and favorite destination places of the United Arab Emirates which is mostly attained by the tourists on coming to the UAE. Mostly the tourism sector is being promoted due to the relaxed and wealthy nature of the Arab city which is also known for its oil fortunes. There is basically overview of the tourism being described through collection of data and analysis done on the data collected. Questionnaire- Do negative impacts affect tourism of the country? Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Are relation with the USA and UK strong as seen with the perspective of tourism industry? Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Do you agree with more and more tourist coming to your country? Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree There is major change which can be seen in the infrastructure and maintenance of the tourist destination place. Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Have you provided any contribution in the welfare and security of the tourists in your country Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Services provided to the foreign tourist are worth admiring Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Proper messages and treatment is given to the tourist which are coming across the globe Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Is there any racial discrimination done in the country with respect to the tourists. Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Chapter 4- Data Analysis and Interpretation- INTRODUCTION- As we have collected data surveying on various kinds of people which provides their view over the destination places, shopping malls and other heritage sites present. There are major findings on the data collected which represent the view of the survey presented by the people on the tourist places. The comparison between USA and UK and United Arab Emirates which provides the scope of improvement in the tourism sector and positive and negative impacts which are effecting the tourism in the United Arab Emirates. DATA ANALYSIS- The table represents the reaction of people on various kinds of questions asked to them. QUESTION NUMBER STRONGLY AGREE AGREE NEUTRAL DISAGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE Question 1 40 30 15 5 10 Question 2 10 40 20 10 10 Question 3 80 1 1 3 15 Question 4 15 45 5 10 25 Question 5 40 10 5 25 20 Question 6 90 2 1 2 5 Question 7 10 6 5 4 75 Question 8 25 50 10 5 10 As we have collected the data from surveying the people we have found out that the concept of tourism started in the 20th century in United Arab Emirates which is getting raise day by day through the huge infrastructure present in the seven emirates. Abu Dhabi which is capital of UAE is considered as the richest city of its existence which consists of scenic wave front Croniche and the overgenerous Emirates palace hotels which are hard to miss by any tourist and the beauty present in the city takes the capital of the country to the next level. (World guides, 2010) At a cost of US$ 30 million, Abu Dhabi is basically trying to compete with the glitz of Dubai by building the Saadiyat Island which means Island of happiness which comprises of museums, parks, beaches, golf courses which is not scheduled to complete before 2018. There are all kinds of destination place within Abu Dhabi suiting all tastes and ages. The Al Ain Zoo is preferred to spend the afternoon exploring the animal attraction where families and mostly children are used to spend time and the hill fun city amusement park is also famous for its roller coaster ride. The city also offers a village known as Abu Dhabi Heritage Village which offers the history of Abu Dhabi represented in a peculiar manner. There is much history present inside the city of Abu Dhabi and home to innumerable impressive sites in which most famous is White fort which is considered as home of many of the citys leaders. The Eastern fort is another citys prominent landmarks and Al Manhal Palace which is just short from the downtown of Abu Dhabi and surrounded by the expanse of parkland. Mostly Dubai and Abu Dhabi is famous for its Shopping where huge malls and festivals are created for attracting the tourists from all over the world. The real estate sector of Dubai also attracts the people from all over the world where separate man-made islands are created for the people at very handsome rates. There are around 24 tourist destination places within Dubai which attracts the tourists which includes five star rating and four star ratings from the government in which some of them are Burj Al-Arab, Bur Dubai Museum, Al Maha Desert Resort and Spa, Mall of the emirates, one and only Royal Mirage Resort, Jumeirah Mosque, Jumeirah Beach hotel, Majlis Ghorfat Um-al-sheef, Bur Sheikh Saeed Al Maktoum House. These are the places which are given five star rating which means that it is highly recommended attractions to visit in Dubai. The places such as Deira Al-Ahmadiya School, Bur Heritage and Diving Village, Jumeirah city, Wild Wadi, Deirah Spice Souq, Deira heritage house, De ira gold Souq, Deira Dubai creek golf and yacht club, Oud Metha Wafi city are given four star ratings which is recommended for visiting in Dubai. (Top rated dubai tourist attractions, 2010) MAJOR FINDINGS- The major findings in the study of tourism basically turn our attention towards the relation between the USA and UK and UAE. The tourism sector is basically compared within these countries and the help which is provided by the USA and UK to United Arab Emirates for developing the tourist destination places to attract more and more tourist across the world. As we all know about the United States contribution of $733 million to the United Arab Emirates tourism economy in 2008 in a challenging economy environment through which international tourism remains flexible according to the new Tourism Outlook in United States of America. As to travel in United States the person coming from States has to purchase average amount of $139.69 while an Emirati travelers has to spend around $262 million on their visa branded payment cards which was observed as 49 increment over 2007. United States also analyzed attitudes and intentions of the traveler which was basically based on 11 key source markets. There is decrement in the travelling of US people due to socio-economic climate which is creates inside the country but somewhere it is not affected by the economic environment where 83 percent adjust their international travel plans while 52 percent opt for travelling during off peak season and around 33 percent choose the place where cost is comparative ly less. (US contributed $733 million to UAEs tourism economy in 2008, 2009) There are various positive and negative impacts on the tourism industry of every country but the country here is United Arab Emirates. We all know about the positive impacts which affect the tourism in the positive manner but the negative impacts can be in the form of crime which will affect the tourism. The other thing is about the maintenance of the tourist destination places which gives the first impression of the place. When we talk about the Negative impacts then the primary source of these impacts is environment present in the country as some of the places may be polluted which can be harmful for the tourists as they are not use to that kind of environment. These were some of the negative impacts on the tourism sector of the country as it can affect the position and reputation of the tourism department of the country. DISCUSSION- As we have collected the data from the people at the tourist place which gives their view over the tourist facilities being provided by the government to the people coming from outside. There are well established shopping malls for the tourists which are fully filled with facilities. The relation with USA and UK are also emerging as the main topic for the tourism industry in which various steps has been taken by both the countries to lure the people of both the countries toward each other. The negative impacts of the factor discussed above are tried to be minimized taking efforts towards it which will be helpful in building a strong base for the tourism sector of the United Arab Emirates. CONCLUSION- The conclusion which allows us to take the best move to take our tourism sector to the sky heights is to maintain the tourist places well to attract more and more people towards it. Mainly United Arab Emirates is famous for its shopping festival which should be marketed around the globe which attracts the people to take part in it from other countries. Chapter 5- Summary, Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations SUMMARY: United Arab Emirates is controlled by seven sheikhs and it is the place which is known as favorite tourist destination around the world. This increment of tourism is due to the factors like crime free environment and highly developed infrastructure and there is various worth places due to which tourist industry is at boom. To learn the destination places and the background of the tourism sector of the country is basic principle to study the tourism sector of the United Arab Emirates. The study is about the tourists nature that is their preferences of going, collection about the arrival and leaving of tourists and various other things. There are very much differences in the United States of America and United Kingdom of UAE tourism which makes them think and ways of coping up with the problems in the tourism sector. This is done for removing the impacts of the sector which are negative. Many questions arise which are related with the sector of tourism in the United Arab Emirates like the contributing elements for the study of tourism in UAE? Other important question that is raised is that what is the position of tourism compared according to the countries like USA and UK? In United Arab Emirates, some negative impacts can also be included from the tourism which is bottlenecks on the way of success in United Arab Emirates. The main objective of study of study of tourism in United Arab Emirates is studying the concept of tourism in the Middle East and by studying the incoming and outgoing of the tourists. There is large number of chapters included in the tourism study in United Arab Emirates and these chapters consist of introduction. These chapters also contain the approach and methodology. There are various types of studies and the two major studies are international study and the local study. It is noted that Dubai is considered to maintain the flow of cash. There are drawback suggestions like the improvement of judicial procedure and the improvement in tourist places should be done. Surveys performed on the people of United Arab Emirates are an approach used for finding the information about tourism. The main aim of sources of data is to view two sections which consist of National people and foreign tourists. FINDINGS: After reading all the points about the whole process of tourism, employment, and various other growths in UAE and after doing various surveys in between the local people and the tourists in UAE, it is found that all the programs except a few problems launched by the government are helpful and favoured by both the local people and the tourists. Various programs and schemes like with 2 tickets of adult a free ticket of child is provided during the tourist season which is liked by majority of the tourists and this type of schemes attracts the tourists. When the tourists come to UAE, most of the hotels, bars etc are totally booked and this helps in the employment of various people. When a survey was done recently for the comments of the tourists and the local people of UAE, it was found that about 90% of the people and the tourists were satisfied with the policies of government and the behavior of the local people with the tourists. According to tourists the behavior of the people of UAE is very supportive and there are no problems of crime and cheating. But some of the tourists and the resident people have some problems from the increment in tourism. It is found that one of the major problems that are faced is of environmental pollution like destruction of forest, noise and air pollution which harms the health of the local people of UAE and due to this a little decrement has taken place in the tourism industry in UAE. It is founded that most of the developments in UAE is because of the growth of tourism industry. CONCLUSIONS: From all the discussions above it is concluded that the main reason for the development of UAE is tourism and without tourism UAE would not have been grown as much. From the above discussions about tourism in UAE, we have come to know that tourism is not only the purpose of recreation but it also a source of service. UAE depends heavily on the foreigners travel expenditure as a great source of taxation and income for various enterprises. Therefore in UAE, tourism is a strategy of promoting a particular region with a purpose of increasing commerce through the export of goods and services. In UAE, the tourism provides employment to the people in the form of Hotels bars etc and due to this it is concluded that tourism in UAE increases the standard of living of people and decreases the unemployment. But tourism has some disadvantages in UAE in the form of environmental damage like forest fires, destruction of sand dunes and pollution. This increased pollution disturbs the local residents and this pollution discourages the tourism in future. Though, the government of UAE has launched various programs for the control of the pollution but all these programs were not good enough to control the pollution. The traditional culture of UAE is very unique and very vast but the tourist does not always give respect to the traditional culture which is very sad to hear but it is true. Finally it is concluded that tourism is a very profitable process especially in UAE as development in UAE depends vastly on this industry because there is no requirement of lot of literacy and it yields very much profit with very little investment SUGGESTIONS: There are many advantages of tourism and the tourism in UAE is perfect up to a certain level but there are some drawbacks of tourism in UAE. Some suggestions for the removal of these drawbacks are- first of all the tourism in UAE causes pollution which damages the environment so control measures for pollution like noise and air should be taken by the government like use of CNG more than petrol and diesel. As the tourism provide employment to many people in UAE through bars, hotels, tourist guide etc so to increase the employment more and more hotels and bars should be opened by the government of UAE. Due to high employment the economy of the country increases at a rapid rate which further leads to the growth of UAE. Many factories should be opened by the government of UAE because the tourism in UAE provides indirect employment in terms of workers of the factory that helps in producing goods and services in the economy which helps in meeting the demand of the population in tourism. To promote the tourism in UAE government should give various offers to the tourists like discount on the packages given during the tourist season and large number of packages should be taken out during the festivals in UAE. The main problem in UAE is of security so more police forces should be appointed only for the tourism. More tourism in UAE will lead to more and more development of the country.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Hydric Soils as a Part of Water Treatment in Wetland Systems Essay

Hydric Soils as a Part of Water Treatment in Wetland Systems Most basically, a hydric soil is defined as "A soil that is saturated, flooded, or ponded long enough during the growing season to develop anaerobic conditions in the upper part (Kent, 1994, p. 26)." Included by this definition in the United States Department of Agriculture/Soil Conservation Service's list Hydric Soils of the United States are all of the poorly drained and very poorly drained soils and most of the somewhat poorly drained soil series. Hydric soils are further categorized into two major groups: mineral soils and organic soils. Histosols (organic soils) typically contain at least 46 cm of organic matter in the upper part of the soil profile. They are grouped by the degree to which plant material and fibers are decomposed. Most decayed are the saprists (muck), followed by hemists (mucky-peats and peaty mucks), and fibrists (peats), the least decomposed. (Folists, the fourth group of organic soils, are not regarded as hydric soils because the organic part is not inundation or saturation derived.) Mineral soils ordinarily have less organic matter in the upper part of the soil profile than histosols. To be considered hydric soil, a mineral soil must meet specific drainage and water table criteria that indicate at least 15 consecutive days of saturation or 7 days of inundation during the growing season. Hydric mineral soils include soils in the Aquic subgroups, Aquic suborders, Albolls suborder, Salorthids great groups and Pell great groups of vertisols (Kent, 1994). In the field, hydric soils are distinguished by indicators displayed within the root zone. These include histosols, histic epipedons, high organic matter content in the surface hori... ...aton, C. K. Smoley, 216 p. Kadlec, Robert H., and Robert L. Knight, 1996, Treatment Wetlands: Boca Raton, Lewis Publishers, 893 p. Kent, Donald M., editor, 1994, Applied Wetlands Science and Technology: Boca Raton, Lewis Publishers, 436 p. Landers, Judith C., and Barbara A. Knuth, 1991, Use of Wetlands for Water Quality Improvement under the USEPA Region V Clean Lakes Program: Environmental Management, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 151-162. Mitsch, William J., and Gosselink, James G., 1993, Wetlands, Second Edition: New York, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 722 p. Simmons, Robert C., Arthur J. Gold, and Peter M. Groffman, 1992, Nitrate Dynamics in Riparian Forests: Groundwater Studies: Journal of Environmental Quality, Vol. 21, pp. 659-665. Singer, Michael J., and Donald N. Munns, 1996, Soils: An Introduction, Third Edition: Upper Saddle River, Prentice Hall, 480 p.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Training Module

The training material is developed for the soft skills training during New Employee Orientation in any organization. New employee orientation programs give new employees the basic training and information they need to help them blend with and work in the new organization. The following program is designed as a three-day induction program conducted by a third party organization for an organization in which the new employees have been recruited.Appendix 1. 1 Objectives of Training Develop individual skills Enhance competence of employees Assured career progression Section 2 Topics of Training Appendix 2. 1 Safety Training Importance of Safety Safety System of the Organization Appendix 2. 2 Business Communications Communication model, Barriers to communication Body Language Activities : E-mail writing, Official reports, telephone etiquettes, video conterencing Appendix 2. 3 Team Building Importance of team Organization structure Activities and Games Appendix 2. 4 Professional EthicsEsse ntial Professional Ethics Appendix 2. 5 Attitudinal Development Personalities and Attitudes Johari Window Appendix 2. 6 Leadership Skills and Motivation Needs, motives and motivation Styles of Leadership Activity and Games Appendix 2. 7 Time and Stress management Importance of Time management in organization Stress Management for professionals Appendix 2. 8 Decision Making Activity and models of decision making Section 3 Pre-requisites Appendix 3. 1 Participants Names and details of participants should be provided by the organization.Maximum number of participants should not exceed 25. Appendix 3. 2 Infrastructure and facilities Conference hall, Projector, Interactive boards, laptop and other infrastructure should be made available according to number of participants. Appendix 3. 3 Training material and handouts Preparation, printing and distribution of handouts and material of training and activities as required. Appendix 3. 4 Stationery Writing material, note-pads for participants to be arranged and provided. Appendix 3. 5 Arrangement for food and refreshmentsThe organization will take care of arrangement of food and refreshments of participants Appendix 3. 6 Feedback forms Feedback is essential for both the trainers and the organization. A well formulated feedback form will be used for response of participants Appendix 3. 7 Evaluation forms Based upon the participation and performance of the participants they will be evaluated. This evaluation would stand crucial for the organization.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Printing Press

†¢Intro things to discuss The ancient Greeks wrote texts intended for education only the privileged, wealthy few who could afford scribes. The modern textbook has its roots in the standardization made possible by the printing press. Early textbooks were used by tutors and teachers, who used the books as instructional aids The next revolution for books came with the 15th-century invention of printing with changeable type. The invention is attributed to German metal smith Johannes Gutenberg, who cast type in molds using a melted metal alloy and constructed a wooden-screw printing press to transfer the image onto paper.Gutenberg's invention made mass production of texts possible for the first time. †¢In general the invention of the printing press (Lower-class) Before Gutenberg's printing press, reading books were a privilege for the church and some of the nobility, literacy was practically non-existent in the lower class, books were extremely expensive, and scientists never sh ared their work with other scientist. After the printing press was invented, books became considerably cheaper to afford, thus, making it easier for lower class citizens, as well as, libraries to afford books and circulate them throughout Europe.With the increase in books and the availability of them, came the increase in literacy among the lower classes. †¢traditional lecture before the invention- who accessed books †¢how it impacted education Also, since it was easier to print work scientist started sharing their works with each other. This was an amazing improvement in science, because now scientist could critic each other's work, improve upon it, and eventually come up with correct conclusions. †¢how the printing press (changed the role of the Catholic Church) No more did people have to accept what the church told them – they could now read it for themselves.In an indirect way, it led to the Reformation of the church, one of the major events in European his tory. Without the printing press and the availability of Bibles, Martin Luther may not have been in the position to question the authority of the church and to encourage people to study the Bible for themselves to see how Faith was the means to salvation, rather than â€Å"good works†, as the Catholic Church had expounded for centuries. The church officials, before the printing press was invented, were the only ones to read the Bible and they, then taught their interpretations to the congregation. When the printing presses started printing