Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Colonists Point Of View On The American Revolution

COLONISTS POINT OF VIEW ON THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION The British were cruel, forceful, and just plain mean. Colonists asked the British for their rights, but no, the British would not give them their rights. Britain was a horrible country, and they didn’t listen to the Colonists, although they were usually right. Following the French and Indian War, King George the third wrote the surprising Proclamation of 1763. The Proclamation stated that the new western frontier that the colonists won actually belonged to the indians and the colonists could not settle past a line of the Appalachian mountains. The law was passed because the Natives claimed that the western frontier actually belonged to them, although the Natives weren’t using the land. The Quartering act of 1765 , A big part of the Revolution came next. Colonists were forced to house, feed and bed British Soldiers. Thomas Gage, a military governor, protested against the wicked parliament, but unfortunately, it didn t go his way. Colonists had little money to pay for things for themselves, no less a stupid soldiers needs.Colonists had to keep the soldiers needs satisfied and they had to do unfair things, like give up their own bed for a soldier. The stamp act of 1765 was another cruel thing that horrible King George imposed. Colonis ts had to pay an unnecessary amount of money to purchase stamps. Colonists had little money and it took months to send mail to Britain and back. Colonists had no other way to communicate toShow MoreRelatedThe American Revolution Through British Eyes By Christopher Hibbert872 Words   |  4 PagesIn his narrative Redcoats and Rebels: The American Revolution Through British Eyes, Christopher Hibbert portrays the sequence of events that happened in the American revolution from a British perspective. The author’s main idea in this narrative is to demonstrate the war from a different point of view and to emphasize the narratives from a British audience. Mr. Hibbert’s subject in this matter of the book, illustrates the life of the American people and the British loyalist representing both sidesRead MoreThe American Revolutionary War Essay1322 Words   |  6 PagesStates of America the American Revolution is called the American War of Independence but in Europe it is more c ommonly referred to as the American Revolutionary War. Though it is a minor terminological difference it impacts how a reader will view the war. Naming plays a large role in the perception of an event. With this said, one must also note that Sarson, though teaching in Britain, received his PhD at John Hopkins University in Baltimore. This would give Sarson an American viewpoint on many aspectsRead MoreThe Causes of the American Revolution Essay903 Words   |  4 Pages  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The American Revolution was sparked by a myriad of causes. These causes in themselves could not have sparked such a massive rebellion in the nation, but as the problems of the colonies cumulated, their collective impact spilt over and the American Revolution ensued. Many say that this war could have been easily avoided and was poorly handled by both sides, British and American; but as one will see, the frame of thought of the colonists was poorly suited to accept British measures which soughtRead MoreThe American Of The British Empire1041 Words   |  5 Pagesat a point in which they wanted more of their own identity and separation from Europe. Some of the colonists felt that way and others were quite content in continuing to live under Britain’s iron fist of legislation that they were imposing on the colonies. After the Seven Years War and the Proclamation Line of 1763, many colonists were outraged and began to display their emotions. The colonist protested through numerous tactics such as demonstrations of hate crimes towards the Native Americans livingRead MoreThe Cause of the American Revolution Essay example639 Words   |  3 PagesBoth the British government and the American colonists had different views on how the colonies should be governed. Their points of view shaped their actions prior to the Revolutionary War. The American colonists protested and rebelled against the actions of the British and the British continued to place laws and taxes on the colonist s, feeling it was their right to do so. Ultimately, these disagreements led the colonists to seek independence and fight for their freedom. The 13 colonies and EnglandRead MoreEssay How the American Revolution Changed the World607 Words   |  3 PagesThe American Revolution was the first conflict in history fought in the name of universal philosophy of law, constitutional rights, and self-government. Ketchum states, â€Å"It was the event that gave birth to our nation, bequeathed a common purpose to the most varied of peoples, and ignited a beacon of hope that inspires the oppressed to this day.† I believe the Revolutionary war was the most significant event in our nation’s history, stabilizing the United States for democracy. The outcome was theRead MoreThe Main Causes Of The American Revolution1006 Words   |  5 PagesThe American Revolution There are many events that occurred and shaped the way America is the way it is now. However, one of the most important events would be the American Revolution. The American Revolution was the biggest step towards modern day America since it was the event that broke off British control from the states. Even though however, the events of what happens later on after the revolution are important, as well as being able to understand what caused the revolution in the first placeRead MoreThe Man Of The Modern Conservatism889 Words   |  4 Pagescriticism, or contempt of the French Revolution; assuming so, it is not hard to doubt that he in fact sympathized with the American cause. If he is the true father of the conservatism, then the reader may be surprised to hear that he sided with the colonists; however, his decision makes a sense if we acknowledge that Burke regarded the American Revolution as a revolution that is not too far apart from that of the Glorious Revolution, unlike the F rench Revolution. Paine would argue otherwise by usingRead MoreThe Revolution Of The American Revolution999 Words   |  4 PagesBetween 1770 and 1776, resistance to imperial change turned into a full-on revolution. The American Revolution, also known as the Revolutionary War, was a time of revolting and political uprising, in which the 13 colonies separated from the British Empire, forming the independent nation known as the United States of America. Though the American Revolution began because the colonies wanted independence from Britain, many important historical events and revolts also lead to the tensions and resistanceRead MoreOut Break of the American Revolution1076 Words   |  5 PagesOutbreak of the American Revolution 2 The connection between Britain and the English colonies was that of the ruling of the colonies by the king of Britain, King George III and his parliament. The king’s ruling was very unfavorable for the colonists because of his tyrannic dictatorship and unjustly taxations. The mere thought of an island ruling an entire continent thousands of miles away with poor communication and lack of supervision of the colonies by the king, did not work in favor of the

Monday, December 16, 2019

Analysis Of Bonnie Norton s The Question Who Am I ...

In Bonnie Norton’s Fact and Fiction in Language Learning (2000), she writes, â€Å"The question ‘Who am I?’ cannot be understood apart from the question ‘What am I allowed to do?’ (pg. 8)†. While the chapter in which this question is found discusses the ways in which immigrant women cultivate their identity through their privileges - or lack there of - in society, this question can be applied to a multitude of minoritized groups and used to analyze the impact unequal power representations have on the creation of one’s own identity. In recent years, increased attention has been drawn to the LGBTQA+ community, specifically to those who identify outside of the socially constructed gender binary, and prefer the use of pronouns outside of those attributed to their perceived gender performance.This issue has garnered considerable media attention, most recently in September when University of Toronto Professor Jordan Peterson released a video l ecture in which he discussed his frustration with being asked to use alternative pronouns, such as they/them, by trans and gender-neutral students and staff members (Murphy, 2016). This has opened a series of dialogues and a media frenzy over how individuals choose to identify themselves and whether or not others have the right to refuse those identities and the means through which they are constructed. If both language and gender are socially constructed notions (Mooney Evans, 2011), then anyone should have the right to utilize either to theirShow MoreRelatedWho Are You Calling Old? Negotiating Old Age Identity in the Elderly Consumption Ensemble Michelle Barnhart Àà º Lisa Penaloza18943 Words   |  76 PagesWho Are You Calling Old? Negotiating Old Age Identity in the Elderly Consumption Ensemble MICHELLE BARNHART ËÅ" LISA PENALOZA As the elderly population increases, more family, friends, and paid service providers assist them with consumption activities in a group that the authors conceptualize as the elderly consumption ensemble (ECE). Interviews with members of eight ECEs demonstrate consumption in advanced age as a group phenomenon rather than an individual one, provide an account of how the practicesRead MoreInnovators Dna84615 Words   |  339 Pagessuccessful innovators exhibit common behavioral habits—habits that can boost anyone’s creative capacity.† author, e 7 Habits of Highly E ective People and e Leader in Me â€Å"Having worked with Clayton Christensen on innovation for over a decade, I can see that e Innovator’s DNA continues to stretch our thinking with insights that challenge convention and enable progress in the important cause of innovation . . . so critical to competitiveness and growth.† retired Chairman of the Board andRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 Pagesand permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. To obtain permission(s) to use material from this work, please submit a written request to Pearson Education, Inc., Permissions Department, One Lake Street, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458, or you may fax your request to 201-236-3290. Many of the designations by manufacturersRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 Pagesreferences. ISBN 978-1-4399-0269-1 (cloth : alk. paper)—ISBN 978-1-4399-0270-7 (paper : alk. paper)—ISBN 978-1-4399-0271-4 (electronic) 1. History, Modern—20th century. 2. Twentieth century. 3. Social history—20th century. 4. World politics—20th century. I. Adas, Michael, 1943– II. American Historical Association. D421.E77 2010 909.82—dc22 2009052961 The paper used in this publication meets the requirements of the American National Standard for Information Sciences—Permanence of Paper for PrintedRead MoreVarian Solution153645 Words   |  615 Pages1 (3) Suppose that we have 8 people who want to rent an apartment. Their reservation prices are given below. (To keep the numbers small, think of these numbers as being daily rent payments.) Person Price = A = 40 B 25 C D 30 35 E 10 F 18 G 15 H 5 (a) Plot the market demand curve in the following graph. (Hint: When the market price is equal to some consumer i’s reservation price, there will be two diï ¬â‚¬erent quantities of apartments demanded, since consumer i will be indiï ¬â‚¬erent between having orRead MoreProject Mgmt296381 Words   |  1186 PagesLeadership Chapter 2 Organization Strategy and Project Selection 1.4 Projects and programs (.2) 1.4.1 Managing the portfolio 1.4.3 Strategy and projects 2.3 Stakeholders and review boards 12.1 RFP’s and vendor selection (.3.4.5) SWAT analysis Schedule compression Leadership skills G.1 Project leadership 10.1 Stakeholder management Chapter 11 Teams Chapter 3 Organization: Structure and Culture 2.4.1 Organization cultures [G.7] 2.4.2 Organization structureRead MoreLibrary Management204752 Words   |  820 PagesCongress Subject Headings: Principles and Application, Fourth Edition Lois Mai Chan Developing Library and Information Center Collections, Fifth Edition G. Edward Evans and Margaret Zarnosky Saponaro Metadata and Its Impact on Libraries Sheila S. Intner, Susan S. Lazinger, and Jean Weihs Organizing Audiovisual and Electronic Resources for Access: A Cataloging Guide, Second Edition Ingrid Hsieh-Yee Introduction to Cataloging and Classification, Tenth Edition Arlene G. Taylor LIbRaRy and InfoRMaTIon

Analysis Of Bonnie Norton s The Question Who Am I ...

In Bonnie Norton’s Fact and Fiction in Language Learning (2000), she writes, â€Å"The question ‘Who am I?’ cannot be understood apart from the question ‘What am I allowed to do?’ (pg. 8)†. While the chapter in which this question is found discusses the ways in which immigrant women cultivate their identity through their privileges - or lack there of - in society, this question can be applied to a multitude of minoritized groups and used to analyze the impact unequal power representations have on the creation of one’s own identity. In recent years, increased attention has been drawn to the LGBTQA+ community, specifically to those who identify outside of the socially constructed gender binary, and prefer the use of pronouns outside of those attributed to their perceived gender performance.This issue has garnered considerable media attention, most recently in September when University of Toronto Professor Jordan Peterson released a video l ecture in which he discussed his frustration with being asked to use alternative pronouns, such as they/them, by trans and gender-neutral students and staff members (Murphy, 2016). This has opened a series of dialogues and a media frenzy over how individuals choose to identify themselves and whether or not others have the right to refuse those identities and the means through which they are constructed. If both language and gender are socially constructed notions (Mooney Evans, 2011), then anyone should have the right to utilize either to theirShow MoreRelatedWho Are You Calling Old? Negotiating Old Age Identity in the Elderly Consumption Ensemble Michelle Barnhart Àà º Lisa Penaloza18943 Words   |  76 PagesWho Are You Calling Old? Negotiating Old Age Identity in the Elderly Consumption Ensemble MICHELLE BARNHART ËÅ" LISA PENALOZA As the elderly population increases, more family, friends, and paid service providers assist them with consumption activities in a group that the authors conceptualize as the elderly consumption ensemble (ECE). Interviews with members of eight ECEs demonstrate consumption in advanced age as a group phenomenon rather than an individual one, provide an account of how the practicesRead MoreInnovators Dna84615 Words   |  339 Pagessuccessful innovators exhibit common behavioral habits—habits that can boost anyone’s creative capacity.† author, e 7 Habits of Highly E ective People and e Leader in Me â€Å"Having worked with Clayton Christensen on innovation for over a decade, I can see that e Innovator’s DNA continues to stretch our thinking with insights that challenge convention and enable progress in the important cause of innovation . . . so critical to competitiveness and growth.† retired Chairman of the Board andRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 Pagesand permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. To obtain permission(s) to use material from this work, please submit a written request to Pearson Education, Inc., Permissions Department, One Lake Street, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458, or you may fax your request to 201-236-3290. Many of the designations by manufacturersRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 Pagesreferences. ISBN 978-1-4399-0269-1 (cloth : alk. paper)—ISBN 978-1-4399-0270-7 (paper : alk. paper)—ISBN 978-1-4399-0271-4 (electronic) 1. History, Modern—20th century. 2. Twentieth century. 3. Social history—20th century. 4. World politics—20th century. I. Adas, Michael, 1943– II. American Historical Association. D421.E77 2010 909.82—dc22 2009052961 The paper used in this publication meets the requirements of the American National Standard for Information Sciences—Permanence of Paper for PrintedRead MoreVarian Solution153645 Words   |  615 Pages1 (3) Suppose that we have 8 people who want to rent an apartment. Their reservation prices are given below. (To keep the numbers small, think of these numbers as being daily rent payments.) Person Price = A = 40 B 25 C D 30 35 E 10 F 18 G 15 H 5 (a) Plot the market demand curve in the following graph. (Hint: When the market price is equal to some consumer i’s reservation price, there will be two diï ¬â‚¬erent quantities of apartments demanded, since consumer i will be indiï ¬â‚¬erent between having orRead MoreProject Mgmt296381 Words   |  1186 PagesLeadership Chapter 2 Organization Strategy and Project Selection 1.4 Projects and programs (.2) 1.4.1 Managing the portfolio 1.4.3 Strategy and projects 2.3 Stakeholders and review boards 12.1 RFP’s and vendor selection (.3.4.5) SWAT analysis Schedule compression Leadership skills G.1 Project leadership 10.1 Stakeholder management Chapter 11 Teams Chapter 3 Organization: Structure and Culture 2.4.1 Organization cultures [G.7] 2.4.2 Organization structureRead MoreLibrary Management204752 Words   |  820 PagesCongress Subject Headings: Principles and Application, Fourth Edition Lois Mai Chan Developing Library and Information Center Collections, Fifth Edition G. Edward Evans and Margaret Zarnosky Saponaro Metadata and Its Impact on Libraries Sheila S. Intner, Susan S. Lazinger, and Jean Weihs Organizing Audiovisual and Electronic Resources for Access: A Cataloging Guide, Second Edition Ingrid Hsieh-Yee Introduction to Cataloging and Classification, Tenth Edition Arlene G. Taylor LIbRaRy and InfoRMaTIon

Analysis Of Bonnie Norton s The Question Who Am I ...

In Bonnie Norton’s Fact and Fiction in Language Learning (2000), she writes, â€Å"The question ‘Who am I?’ cannot be understood apart from the question ‘What am I allowed to do?’ (pg. 8)†. While the chapter in which this question is found discusses the ways in which immigrant women cultivate their identity through their privileges - or lack there of - in society, this question can be applied to a multitude of minoritized groups and used to analyze the impact unequal power representations have on the creation of one’s own identity. In recent years, increased attention has been drawn to the LGBTQA+ community, specifically to those who identify outside of the socially constructed gender binary, and prefer the use of pronouns outside of those attributed to their perceived gender performance.This issue has garnered considerable media attention, most recently in September when University of Toronto Professor Jordan Peterson released a video l ecture in which he discussed his frustration with being asked to use alternative pronouns, such as they/them, by trans and gender-neutral students and staff members (Murphy, 2016). This has opened a series of dialogues and a media frenzy over how individuals choose to identify themselves and whether or not others have the right to refuse those identities and the means through which they are constructed. If both language and gender are socially constructed notions (Mooney Evans, 2011), then anyone should have the right to utilize either to theirShow MoreRelatedWho Are You Calling Old? Negotiating Old Age Identity in the Elderly Consumption Ensemble Michelle Barnhart Àà º Lisa Penaloza18943 Words   |  76 PagesWho Are You Calling Old? Negotiating Old Age Identity in the Elderly Consumption Ensemble MICHELLE BARNHART ËÅ" LISA PENALOZA As the elderly population increases, more family, friends, and paid service providers assist them with consumption activities in a group that the authors conceptualize as the elderly consumption ensemble (ECE). Interviews with members of eight ECEs demonstrate consumption in advanced age as a group phenomenon rather than an individual one, provide an account of how the practicesRead MoreInnovators Dna84615 Words   |  339 Pagessuccessful innovators exhibit common behavioral habits—habits that can boost anyone’s creative capacity.† author, e 7 Habits of Highly E ective People and e Leader in Me â€Å"Having worked with Clayton Christensen on innovation for over a decade, I can see that e Innovator’s DNA continues to stretch our thinking with insights that challenge convention and enable progress in the important cause of innovation . . . so critical to competitiveness and growth.† retired Chairman of the Board andRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 Pagesand permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. To obtain permission(s) to use material from this work, please submit a written request to Pearson Education, Inc., Permissions Department, One Lake Street, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458, or you may fax your request to 201-236-3290. Many of the designations by manufacturersRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 Pagesreferences. ISBN 978-1-4399-0269-1 (cloth : alk. paper)—ISBN 978-1-4399-0270-7 (paper : alk. paper)—ISBN 978-1-4399-0271-4 (electronic) 1. History, Modern—20th century. 2. Twentieth century. 3. Social history—20th century. 4. World politics—20th century. I. Adas, Michael, 1943– II. American Historical Association. D421.E77 2010 909.82—dc22 2009052961 The paper used in this publication meets the requirements of the American National Standard for Information Sciences—Permanence of Paper for PrintedRead MoreVarian Solution153645 Words   |  615 Pages1 (3) Suppose that we have 8 people who want to rent an apartment. Their reservation prices are given below. (To keep the numbers small, think of these numbers as being daily rent payments.) Person Price = A = 40 B 25 C D 30 35 E 10 F 18 G 15 H 5 (a) Plot the market demand curve in the following graph. (Hint: When the market price is equal to some consumer i’s reservation price, there will be two diï ¬â‚¬erent quantities of apartments demanded, since consumer i will be indiï ¬â‚¬erent between having orRead MoreProject Mgmt296381 Words   |  1186 PagesLeadership Chapter 2 Organization Strategy and Project Selection 1.4 Projects and programs (.2) 1.4.1 Managing the portfolio 1.4.3 Strategy and projects 2.3 Stakeholders and review boards 12.1 RFP’s and vendor selection (.3.4.5) SWAT analysis Schedule compression Leadership skills G.1 Project leadership 10.1 Stakeholder management Chapter 11 Teams Chapter 3 Organization: Structure and Culture 2.4.1 Organization cultures [G.7] 2.4.2 Organization structureRead MoreLibrary Management204752 Words   |  820 PagesCongress Subject Headings: Principles and Application, Fourth Edition Lois Mai Chan Developing Library and Information Center Collections, Fifth Edition G. Edward Evans and Margaret Zarnosky Saponaro Metadata and Its Impact on Libraries Sheila S. Intner, Susan S. Lazinger, and Jean Weihs Organizing Audiovisual and Electronic Resources for Access: A Cataloging Guide, Second Edition Ingrid Hsieh-Yee Introduction to Cataloging and Classification, Tenth Edition Arlene G. Taylor LIbRaRy and InfoRMaTIon

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Advantages disadvantages of computers free essay sample

Large scientific and research laboratories as well as the government organizations have extra ordinary demand for processing data which required tremendous processing speed, memory and other services which may not be provided with any other category to meet their needs. Therefore very large computers used are called Super Computers. These computers are extremely expensive and the speed is measured in billions of instructions per seconds. 2. Main Frame Computers The most expensive, largest and the most quickest or speedy computer are called mainframe computers. These computers are used in large companies, factories, organizations etc. the mainframe computers are the most expensive computers, they cost more than 20 million rupees. In this computers 150 users are able to work on one C.P.U. The mainframes are able to process 1 to 8 bits at a time. They have several hundreds of megabytes of primary storage  and operate at a speed measured in nano second. 3. Mini Computers Mini computers are smaller than mainframes, both in size and other facilities such as speed, storage capacity and other services. We will write a custom essay sample on Advantages disadvantages of computers or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page They are versatile that they can be fitted where ever they are needed. Their speeds are rated between one and fifty million instructions per second (MIPS). They have primary storage in hundred to three hundred megabytes range with direct access storage device. 4. Micro Computers These are the smallest range of computers. They were introduced in the early 70’s having less storing space and processing speed. Micro computers of todays are equivalent to the mini computers of yesterday in terms of performing and processing. They are also called â€Å"computer of a chip† because its entire circuitry is contained in one tiny chip. The micro computers have a wide range of applications including uses as portable computer that can be plugged into any wall. 5. Laptop Computers The smallest computer in size has been developed. This type of small computers look like an office brief case and called LAPTOP computer. The laptops are also termed as PORTABLE COMPUTERS. Due to the small size and light weight, they become popular among the computer users. The businessmen found laptop very useful, during traveling and when they are far away frm their desktop computers. A typical laptop computer has all the facilities available in microcomputer. The smallest laptops are called PALMTOP.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

The Comparison Between Learned in Books and Knowledge Gained from Experience Essay Example

The Comparison Between Learned in Books and Knowledge Gained from Experience Essay The comparison between learned in books and knowledge gained from experience The education is the most important thing in our life, without it we can’t solve our problem and the logic thinking. By the way any education in my opinion will be benefit whatever it is depend on the book or our skill, the doctor have to study in the book and be good doctor by the way the barber is not depend in the book he has to looking to the designer off his boss and after time he can to make it without his boss. So We can say that there are some people prefer to learn a profession or experience is through actual practice and the process for this profession, in their minds they think this is better and faster to acquire the skill and experience, others prefer learning in schools and universities and read many books and gain experience of and then apply what they have learned in these schools and universities, So we must now not everything that is learning is contained in book, and also we don’t have completely book can fit our job we have to search in the partial place, but ever they are have big similarity and big different both way have the same target to learn. We will write a custom essay sample on The Comparison Between Learned in Books and Knowledge Gained from Experience specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Comparison Between Learned in Books and Knowledge Gained from Experience specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Comparison Between Learned in Books and Knowledge Gained from Experience specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer In similarity, first off all is education and depend in our job, and also want to study , We can find good job after we finish it We can able to make logical thinking, Second it take long time in our life to get to it not anything we can make is easily we have to spend time and work to get good job for example as interior designer, which I learn from the book is very good thing and benefit and this in partial life I executing the work in my project as I learn in our book, because I don’t fill in problem. So Learning from books is important, we apply what we have learned literally in the real world and then develop that we have learned to reach for better results. On the other hand, there is very much different we can’t count it the experience education don’t have limit time and don’t requires to go to same place like university as will the education cases or book need to the studied to be in the time in his class and want to get his book and prepare the lesson, and also have another different the experience education not have to make exam and study days before the exam , on other hand the, book and university study as we had in our university we have to study days and days before the exam. As I say in the topic all education is ways to go to the same target in the general case, the book is very important thing in the human and by the book we can read very much thing for the old culture but this thing not enough to learn, so the person have to development this think to maybe can find way better for the idea in the book. In the

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Dialogue Helps to Tell Your Story

Dialogue Helps to Tell Your Story Dialogue Helps to Tell Your Story Dialogue Helps to Tell Your Story By Guest Author This is a guest post by Charles A. Ray. If you want to write for Daily Writing Tips check the guidelines here. Dialogue can make or break your short story or novel. No matter how good the plot or subject line, poorly-written dialogue can turn a reader off quicker than anything. I recently read a draft novel manuscript that had a fascinating premise, a compelling story line, and conflict aplenty. I was, nonetheless, completely turned off because every character in the story sounded exactly alike. They all used the same stilted Shakespearean speech, and sounded as if they were reading from Hamlet. Even a street smart black activist student, who was portrayed as aggressive and racially sensitive, talked as if he was the villain from Othello. This is not to suggest that the character should have been lampooned, or that his dialogue should have been a parody of ‘Amos and Andy’ or ‘Shaft.’ But, the character would have been more credible and believable if the dialogue had been less formal, with more use of modern slang, instead of the formal speech that was employed. The only slang word this character used in the first chapter, in over a half page of dialogue, was the word ‘ofay,’ which was inserted in a formal sentence, making it stand out like a pimple on prom night; and it was as unwelcome and out of place as a pimple. Reading the passage, which described his encounter with his professor, I had difficulty telling which of them was speaking without looking at the tags, or going back to see who spoke last. This was clearly a case of poor dialogue ruining an otherwise good story. A more effective technique is to give each character a distinctive voice; either through the words they use, or some other action that belongs to that character and that character alone. Dialogue should be written so that the reader knows immediately which character is speaking. A good way to learn to write effective dialogue is to eavesdrop on the people around you. Note the quirks that distinguish one speaker from another. For example, teenagers these days seem to put the word ‘like’ indiscriminately in their speech. Here’s an example of a conversation I overheard on the subway one day, â€Å"He was like really out of control, and like I just couldn’t get into what he was like saying, you know.† That is an actual line of dialogue that could be used in your story. You have to be careful in most cases not to use what you hear verbatim. People don’t often say what they want to say as succinctly as you need your characters to speak to keep your story moving; but informal expressions in your dialogue will make your characters sound like real people. If you want your writing to keep people interested, in addition to a strong plot, and an interesting theme, you need characters that people find believable. This means learning to write dialogue that holds a reader’s interest as much as the plot. Dialogue, when well written, can help to identify a character more effectively than paragraphs of description or narrative, and it can help keep your story moving. More importantly, it can keep a reader interested in your story from the opening sentence through to the end. You can check Charles page on RedRoom for commentary on leadership, politics and life in general, as well as information about his books. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Fiction Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:When to use "on" and when to use "in"Flier vs. Flyer5 Keys to Better Sentence Flow

Friday, November 22, 2019

10 Anthologies About Writing

10 Anthologies About Writing 10 Anthologies About Writing 10 Anthologies About Writing By Mark Nichol It is quite possible to spend the rest of your life reading about how to write and never get around to actually writing especially with so many convenient collections of writers’ ruminations like the ones listed and described below. 1. Bad Girls: 26 Writers Misbehave Twenty-six authors share confessions about their transgressions in this collection. 2. Behind the Mystery: Top Mystery Writers Mystery writer Stuart Kaminsky’s conversations with friends and colleagues from old-school authors like Elmore Leonard and Mickey Spillane to more recent talents such as Sue Grafton and Tony Hillerman are distinguished from similar interviews by their informality. 3. The Creative Writing Coursebook: Forty Authors Share Advice and Exercises for Fiction and Poetry Beginning, intermediate, and expert writers alike will benefit from this assortment of advice and activities from a diverse array of published authors. 4. The Paris Review Interviews This four-volume set, also available in individual volumes, features interviews with a who’s who of twentieth-century literature by George Plimpton, longtime editor of the Paris Review. 5. The Resilient Writer: Tales of Rejection and Triumph by 23 Top Authors Arthur Golden, Bret Easton Ellis, Amy Tan, and a score of other successful writers share the agony of rejection and the ecstasy of acceptance. 6. Why We Write: 20 Acclaimed Authors on How and Why They Do What They Do Twenty top writers answer a set of ten questions about their motivations for writing and about the favorite and least favorite aspects of their work. 7. Writers on Writing: Collected Essays from The New York Times 8. Writers on Writing, Volume II: More Collected Essays from The New York Times In these two collections of essays originally published in the New York Times in its weekly â€Å"Writers on Writing† feature, some of the greatest writers of our age explore both the practical and the artistic aspects of what it means to be a writer. 9. Writers On Writing: A Bread Loaf Anthology Twenty-five poets, short story writers, and novelists offer a series of literary workshops in book form, sharing their thoughts about the writing process. 10. The Writing Life: Writers on How They Think and Work This collection of entries of â€Å"The Writing Life,† a Washington Post column, shares the thoughts of dozens of celebrated fiction and nonfiction writers. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Book Reviews category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Math or Maths?The Letter "Z" Will Be Removed from the English AlphabetEducational vs. Educative

Thursday, November 21, 2019

YouTube Video Sharing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

YouTube Video Sharing - Essay Example has been the leader in Internet video search. This video entertainment site has been in operation for only a year but it has already become the most favorite video-sharing site, dislodging News Corp.'s MySpace, Yahoo, Microsoft's MSN, Google and AOL. This is the very reason why the onset You Tube, the very processes and legal aspects related to video sharing through You Tube is worth studying. Youtube serves as a quick entertainment break especially for viewers who have broadband connections at work or home. Youtube, whose original creators were students, however, is mostly popular among teens. It is said that more 100 million videos-usually short, homemade, comic videos created by users--are being seen on Youtubue every day. The record high was reported in June when an estimated 2.5 billion videos were watched on this site. Next to video lovers, online video advertisers, for sure, are the ones who are excited about the popularity of Youtube and other online video sites nowadays. With Youtube, the potential for online video advertising has become bigger. It was reported that online advertisements were the fastest-growing part of the $521-billion advertising market last year. Hence, web articles and peer reviewed journals published written and published from the year 2000 to the present are the most useful resources that can be acquired when writing about this topic. This is because You Tube was established along with the booming information technology and widespread use of internet, hence the coming of the 21st century will be the best possible years to looks for. The Form and the Medium Since a single click to see a video on Youtube can easily be counted, it also has become easier for companies to exactly track how many people are interested in their product. This, plus the fact that content providers and marketers could get instant recognition around the globe when they advertise their products online, is what attracts advertisers to put their money on online video advertising. Seeing the potential for increasing its revenues in Internet ads, web search leader Google Inc. recently bought Youtube for $1.65 billion in stock. This is so far the biggest price paid for a consumer-generated media site. Analysts said the acquisition would help Google compete in video search, an area where it has been weak. US Internet search giant Yahoo Inc., meanwhile, recently launched a video-sharing service in a move to capitalize on the trend being blazed by YouTube. The new video service's design is similar to that of Youtube, only that it has the capability to stream video which users can link their favorite footage to personal Web pages. This paper would try to compare the different video sharing facilities presented in the internet - such as the You tube, the Google and the Yahoo movies/video sharing. This will try to analyze the different factors why these forms of media are now becoming one of the most popular channel to advertise and/or market a product or service and equally powerful in disseminating information to. More so, in lieu of my final essay related to advertising, I will try to conceptualize different video advertisements (ranging from 1-5) for a varied number of products and services. These video ad concepts will have to be align with the effective and affective advertisements concepts (which will also be studied). Relevance to the Discipline The success of Youtube has been mired with controversies. For one, Youtube and other

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Default Risk Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Default Risk Management - Research Paper Example This essay stresses that businesses are able to reduce different threats that they face from external environment by identifying the risks they face and then taking steps to mitigate them. One of the major risks faced by financial institutions is the default risk. Default risk is the risk that the firm faces when it is not able to meet the financial obligations when they are due. Default risk is also named as credit risk as the firm does not have the ability to pay off its creditors. However in case of a financial institution like banks, the scenario may be complex, as these banks give loans to different creditors which, in turn, can face default, and this could affect the liquidity position of the banks as they do not have funds according to what they expected and thus can increase the default risk of banks. This essay declares that market risk is the other type of risk faced by the firm, and it is because of fluctuations and conditions in the market. Market risk could be because of fluctuations in currencies, exchange rates, interest rates, volatility in other markets, etc. that could influence the future cash flows of the firm. It is important for the financial institutions to analyse different market trends and the risks that could arise because of changes in the market and then take actions or steps to minimise the impact of these types of risks accordingly. There are some risks, such as chances in the exchange rate, that cannot be eliminated.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Essay for the Sandpiper Essay Example for Free

Essay for the Sandpiper Essay Tragedy, in multiple views leads to grief, misery and may even cause emotional desensitization. However this solely depends on the cause of such tragedy. A simple tragedy exists as a result of the irony of combining diverse religion and cultures and is especially expressed in the story â€Å"Sandpiper†. Here author Ahdaf Soueif expresses cultural differences through the breaking relationship of a European writer and her Egyptian husband. Acquiescent undermine passivity Being the protagonist, the narrator becomes the view point character in the story and this is where audience criticisms take place. From the beginning she seems to display a sort of weakness and compliance towards events; watching the waves swoop back into the sea; conforming to her lack of work and loss of identity ; â€Å"watching (her husband) vanish†, and watching her daughter â€Å"grow away† from herself. The sand image, as the story opens portrays her compliance-The way she did not wish to obstruct nature`s pattern of â€Å"one grain of sand† because of her movement. Later as Um Sabir (her â€Å"husband`s old nanny†) prevents her from doing any work, her feminine independence also appears to be deplored yet she simply accepts this fact and though seeming solemn, does not take any action. The reader soon becomes critical about such fragility. Notice how the writer mentions -â€Å"watch† her husband vanish. Due to her foreignness, she seemed to slowly fade away from her and her husband`s relationship and displays severe grief. However it appears indeed so absurd for the re ader, because this narrator does not develop any sort of resistance to her dilemma. Furthermore her despondency grows gradually, and it seems that her daughter is being torn away from her the same way as with her husband. She simply pines her heart and the narrator grows a sort of dissent for the protagonist. Sandpiper a coastal bird which cannot fly too high nor too far from the coastal region (due to its habitat and feeding habits) is a perfect name for this story it seems. The way the protagonist’s life appears limited and restricted is definitely the main cause. However the reader may wonder why the narrator does not rebel to this lifestyle. There may be numerous causes. Firstly notice the narrators patience as she sits by the beach observing the water`s â€Å"frilled white edge nibbling at the sand†. As she displays no qualms to her situations (for example being deprived of work as previously mentioned) it seems she still retains hope- of a happy lifestyle. This e xaggerated patience she conforms, may perhaps be one of the reason she does not rebel. Another may be simply her love of and to sustain the happiness of her daughter. These causes all sum to the habitat and ability of a â€Å"Sandpiper†, its only restrictions. Therefore it seems that the protagonist subsists in a self imposed jail, like a sandpiper and indeed does not soar beyond the beach which could momentarily give access to another sort of freedom, mentally, from her own conscience. However if we pay attention to the situation the author rejects such criticisms-instead condemning the readers as absurd. Certainly following different cultures is not the protagonists fault. The consistent confusion and grief of the narrator’s situation is perhaps the cause of her helplessness. This way the author deems the protagonist as universal for humans; which either are NOT exceptions, to displaying similar responses, in such emotionally grim situations and though her image is portrayed as weak it is not held true to how we asses her. In some way the writer creates ambivalent views one portraying the theme of ‘fate’ and the other ‘free will’. A customary feature, to be noticed in this story is the authors unvarying image of the beach. Obviously this picture signifies the present and therefore, perhaps, alludes to the narrators ‘drifting’ thoughts. It also seems, the descriptions of the sand and the sea reflect her emotions. As the story opens, observe the serene albeit somewhat somber, descriptions (of the beach), in the past participle: â€Å"I used to see patterns†¦I did not want †¦. I used to sit†. Definitely the narrator is affectionately looking back at nostalgia, yet with regret. Her emotions drift in melancholy as a compliant stream of conscience guides her and suddenly we imagine a somber weak character, in passivity to not stir a single â€Å"grain of sand† from its ‘natural’ pattern. This is where the readers display an interest to this character`s matters. Slowly her emotions begin to frill as the descriptions become gradually violent –â€Å"the sea unceasingly shifts†¦surges forward with a low growl†¦ like thousand snakes† .By now the reader is absorbed into the persona`s feelings. The usage of the personal pronoun â€Å"I† becomes highly universal to the reader and definitely induces sympathy. Finally, as she â€Å"revert(s) to (the) dry grains that would easily brush away† the emotions are returned to the previous serenity however now there seems to be a hint of pain, a hint of helplessness. This way the writer skillfully attains the reader`s attention to the story, and somewhat forth shadows incidents in the story, pertaining to the emotions. Hereby the atmosphere seems so somber, so calm; slowly the reader drifts in with the thoughts of the writer. What the reader may also take notice, with hindsight, is that perhaps Soueif uses this initial beach image as an extended metaphor for the life of the narrator; as in the beginning her life was filled with bliss (in love with her husband), which suddenly changed to desperation and somewhat anger (as he slowly â€Å"slip away† from her) and finally grief (of the freedom she lost). Proactive pragmatic The next imagery of the beach occurs after she mentions the second summer at the â€Å"beach house west of Alexandria†. Here the narrator utilizes the sand and the sea as symbols for her husband and herself, the way these two entities seemed to â€Å"meet and flirt and touch† and establishes the theme of love . However, reading between the lines, perhaps the writer forth shadows a sort of obscurity in the relationship. Notice how the sand and the sea simply â€Å"meet† metaphorically indicating love; although away from this â€Å"edge† such love does not seem to prevail as the sea and the sand form a tight boundary. Also the sea consistently â€Å"drifts† and the sand itself shifts, especially with the pressure of the waves: perhaps the author accentuates fluid emotions which flow and â€Å"shift† with due time and therefore depicts this couple to slowly â€Å"drift† apart from each other. This way another theme, of relativity of time and emotion is established here. The ending of the story also prevails with this beach image. It seems the narrator is back to the present and this picture plays the greatest significance as she sees â€Å"different things from those 6 years ago†. Now she appears calmer yet more melancholic. The reader can effective ly perceive such emotion; especially in the lines â€Å"the last of the foam is swallowed bubbling into the sand† and â€Å"with each ebb of green water the sand looses part of itself to the sea†. This definitely feels somber; as if love is being persistently broken down by the force of nature. Realistically, it seems such force subsists as cultural pressure. Where the couple belonging to 2 different cultures altogether formed such a relationship, the narrators â€Å"foreignness†¦began to irritate him (her husband)†. Cultural pressure and foreign tensions arise as a conflict due to the ignorance of each other`s culture and perhaps a development in this slowly weakened their relationships. Not only does the husband feel irate yet this deplored the protagonist`s freedom- â€Å"I tried at first at least to help, but she would†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ease the duster or the vacuum cleaner from my hand†. Coming back to the coastal descriptions, note how the author mentions â€Å"the†¦foam is swallowed bubbling into the sand† and how these two bodies meet but never ‘mix’. Probably the author, here portrays the theme of immiscibility. As sea and sand are immiscible it appears the foreignness and its resultant family tensions never intended a strong relationship; the love of both the narrator and her husband was immiscible, which would interact, yet as easily drift away. Perhaps this way the author undermines the system of religion. Indeed such a trivial matter, as exemplified is the commencement of weak relations and eventually such tragedies; for certainly, every being strays ethnocentric and this simple arrogance leads to major conflicts. This is later supported as the narrator finally questions-â€Å"But what do the waves know of the massed, hot, still sands of the desert? And what does the beach know of the depths, the cold currents†¦where the water turns a deeper blue.† .Duplicity is heavily prevalent due to ignorance of other religion, and like the sand and the sea it extends massively. What the writer Ahdaf Soueif is attempting to accentuate is that this concept of worldly cultures actually constructs a sort of mistrust amongst others and its great irony is exhibited in the form of this story Another image which we can relate to this theme is the difficulty, even dislike the wife shows towards adapting to a different culture. During the second summer at the beach house the narrator mentions her nostalgia of her hometown (Europe as Georgian sq uare is mentioned) and â€Å"misses† her time spent there. The moment this is mentioned suspicion rises in the readers mind; of her happiness following the new culture. She does display a sort of irritation as she is not allowed to work at home. Finally (later) she appears to complain- â€Å"my foreignness†¦my inability to remember namestruggles with his (her husband’s) language†, etc. Definitely the author is attempting to depict another cultural pressure here; despite the passage of time, evidently she depicts, that the wife has problems shifting to the new culture. Ironically, though, this foreignness actually appealed her husband yet now repelled him. LorDhRUv

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Argument for Making Hemp Growth Legal Essay example -- Argumentative

Argument for Making Hemp Growth Legal There is vast history of hemp as an agricultural crop in the United States. The crop was grown extensively until its ban in 1937. Prior to the ban on hemp the plant was one of the biggest cash crops of the Southern United States. For instance in Kentucky hemp was the biggest cash crop up until 1915. In these southern states hemp was used as a rotation crop between tobacco crops as well as other crops. Thomas Jefferson even wrote in his own writings that, â€Å"Hemp is of first necessity to the wealth and protection of the country.† Jefferson's theories can offer thought on the hemp ban being lifted during World War II because the crop was needed for industrial products. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) produced a film called â€Å"Hemp for Victory† to promote farmers to grow hemp in order to supply a need for rope and clothing in 1942 for the war. The promotion of hemp led to 400,000 acres â€Å"grown† into production all over the United States proving that the crop is profitable to farmers. But, as soon as WWII ended hemp went back to the ban of 1937. The Marijuana Tax Act lead to any plant with tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) outlawed to production. THC is the reason that hemp is no longer available to American farmers. The chemical THC in marijuana makes people â€Å"high† when it is smoked. The levels of THC in hemp are so minuet (one percent) that the plant can not be used as a hallucinogen. In order for a plant, such as marijuana, to work as a hallucinogen it must contain at the least four percent THC. When you hear the word hemp what is your first thought? If it is marijuana then you are mistaken. Hemp, the plant that is grown for agricultural and indu... 5.) Works Cited Alden, Dave M., Phillip W. Gay, and John R. Proops. "Industrial hemp's double dividend: a study for the USA." Ecologial Economics 25 (1998): 291-301. Bennett, Michael, and Randall T. Fortenbery. "Opportunities for Commercial Hemp Production." Review of Agricultural Economics 26 (n.d.): 97-117. Fryxell, Gerald E., Marinilka Kimbro, and Terri Mottershead. "The Boston Trading and Manufacturing Co. Ltd. (HK): Hemp,." Asian Case Research Journal 5 (2001): 203-226. 3 Mar. 2004 78175>. Hemp and Marijuana: Myths & Realities. Comp. Dr. David P. West. Vers. 1. 1994. University of Madison. 3 Mar. 2005 . Hightower, Jim. "High on Hemp ." Humanist 64 (2004): 4-6.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Outcomes of Prosthodontic Management Essay

Speech is the coordinated function of the vocal tract includes respiratory, phonatory, resonatory and articulatory systems. Hindrance to any of these systems results in speech disorders. Cleft lip and palate (CLP) is one such congenital disorder leading to speech disorder. The abnormal speech of these individuals with cleft lip and palate can be analyzed interms of acoustical, perceptual and physiological measurements. The speech of individuals with cleft palate is primarily characterized by abnormalities in nasal resonance. This is a direct result of unoperated cleft / fistula and or velopharyngeal dysfunction. The individuals with velopharyngeal dysfunction cannot either adequately or consistently close the velopharyngeal port during speech leading to nasal escape of sound energy. In addition, there may be articulatory errors, including compensatory articulations and reduced voice quality resulting in poor speech intelligibility (McWilliams, Morris & Shelton, 1990; Kuehn & Moller, 2000; Kummer, 2001; Peterson-Falzone, Hardin-Jones & Karnell, 2001; Bzoch, 2004). Nasal resonance increases and is perceived as hypernasality if the durations of the velopharyngeal opening and closing movements in relation to the opening and closing of the oral cavity become prolonged. Many investigators have showed that certain timing measures reflecting the movements of speech articulators are related to the degree of oral-nasal resonance imbalance in individuals with cleft palate with or without cleft lip (Warren et al. , 1985; Jones, 2000; Dotevall et al. 2001, 2002; Ha et al. , 2004). Jones (2000) opined that excessive perceived nasalization could result from a mistiming of velopharyngeal movements, relative to voice onset and offset. Few studies (Ha, Sim, Zhi, & Kuehn, 2003; Ha, David, & Kuehn, 2010) concluded that individuals with cleft palate exhibit longer acoustic nasalization than normal speakers and also temporal measures of their speech are positively correlated with the perceived hypernasality. Hence they concluded that acoustic measures of temporal characteristics of speech can provide supplementary diagnostic information in relation to the degree of hypernasality. Hoopes, (1970) demonstrated that speed of velar movement during speech was slower for individuals with cleft palate than normal subjects. Forner (1983) observed some difficulty with normal rate and range of movement and interarticulatory timing based on the results of significantly longer than normal speech segment durations. The rehabilitation of individuals born with cleft lip and palate and related craniofacial anomalies require coordination of plastic surgery, prosthetic intervention and behavioral therapy. A multidisciplinary approach is essential to achieve optimum results. To permit development of normal speech patterns, habilitation of these individuals should be considered surgically or prosthetically as early as possible (Riski, 1979; Dorf & Curtin, 1982; Witzel et al. , 1984). Definitive prosthodontic treatment is usually one of the final therapies instituted and it must attempt to alleviate any anatomical and functional deficiencies that may remain after the gamut of other treatment is essentially completed. The concept of using speech prosthesis was introduced as early as 1860 in treating velopharyngeal dysfunction in clients with cleft lip and palate (Mc Grath and Anderson 1991) and has since been adopted by others (Leeper et al. 1996). The use of speech bulb obturator in the treatment of hypernasality became less popular in the 19th century, but was revived in the 20th century. This was partly due to the development of techniques that permitted direct visualization of the velopharyngeal mechanism and advances in the surgical procedures. A prosthetic device palatal lift can be suggested for the persons in whom adequate tissue is present but poor control of coordination and timing of velopharyngeal (VP) movements are observed. The palatal lift aims to lift the soft palate in a posterior and superior direction through the use of acrylic additions on the back of a dental appliance. It is used to prosthetically create a normal VP closure for speech development until the surgical repair can be performed. Hence this can assist for the better velopharyngeal closure by improving the oral – nasal coupling. The velopharyngeal closure dynamics can be studied using acoustic analysis of the speech, along with the perceptual evaluation. Acoustic analysis offers the opportunity to observe the speech patterns resulting from simultaneous and sequential interactions of phonation, resonation and articulation as these occur in real time speech production. Spectrographic data have been used frequently to study cleft palate speech (Horii, 1980). McGrath and Anderson (1990) reported a review of the outcome management of 200 individuals with cleft palate and found that 95% were able to eliminate both hypernasality and nasal emission distortions in speech through prosthetic management. Jian Ningyi & Guilan (2002) investigated the effect of a temporary obturator to treat VPD and found that velopharyngeal closure can be greatly improved by using a temporary oral prosthesis and speech training. Most of these studies have used obturator or speech bulb in individuals with cleft palate, and very few studies included speech training along with the prosthetic management and shows positive results. There are dearths of studies using palatal lift in persons with submucous cleft palate along with the speech therapy. The present study is a part of the longitudinal study which is aimed to determine the effect of palatal lift prosthesis on temporal parameters of speech and correlating with the physiological findings. The aims of the study are three fold. First, is to compare the temporal parameters of nasalization and nasalence values with the normal subjects. Second, is to investigate the temporal parameters of nasalization and nasalance values without prosthesis, with prosthesis and after undergoing 10 sessions of speech therapy. Third, is to investigate the velopharyngeal closure with and without prosthesis using nasoendoscopy.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Bus Template

Unit 3 – Sampling Type your Name Here American InterContinental University Abstract This is a single paragraph, no indentation is required. The next page will be an abstract; â€Å"a brief, comprehensive summary of the contents of the article; it allows the readers to survey the contents of an article quickly† (Publication Manual, 2010). The length of this abstract should be 35-50 words (2-3 sentences). NOTE: the abstract must be on page 2 and the body of the paper will begin on page 3. Introduction Remember to always indent the first line of a paragraph (use the tab key). The introduction should be short (2-3 sentences). The margins, font size, spacing, and font type (italics or plain) are set in APA format. While you may change the names of the headings and subheadings, do not change the font or style of font. Part 1: Survey Analysis: Entertainment Describe an entertainment poll or survey. Analyze the number of people who participated in the sample compared to the number in the population. (Be sure to cite the article which must be from ProQuest Newspapers) Discuss how the results of the survey can be used to tell a story or support an idea of the sponsoring company or media group. Part 1: Survey Analysis: Politics Describe a political poll or survey. Analyze the number of people who participated in the sample compared to the number in the population. (Be sure to cite the article which must be from ProQuest Newspapers) Discuss how the results of the survey can be used to tell a story or support an idea of the sponsoring company or media group. Part 1: Survey Analysis: General Opinion Describe a general opinion poll or survey. Analyze the number of people who participated in the sample compared to the number in the population. (Be sure to cite the article which must be from ProQuest Newspapers) Discuss how he results of the survey can be used to tell a story or support an idea of the sponsoring company or media group. Part 1: Overall Survey Analysis Consider the three surveys presented. Using the knowledge you learned from the textbook, compare and contrast the sample sizes in each of the three surveys mentioned in the post and determine if the samples sizes are appropriate. In your opinion, whi ch appears to be the most valid? (Cite and reference the textbook) This section of the paper will be 2-3 pages in length and each survey or poll described MUST come from AIU Library’s ProQuest Newspaper Database. Part 2: Application Create your own 3 question Entertainment or General Opinion Survey using http://www. zoomerang. com/basic/ or another free survey program or http://www. surveymonkey. com/. Secure a minimum of 20 responses. Your survey respondents may be friends, family or classmates. (NOTE: The small sample size was chosen for convenience and as you know is not a valid sample. The goal is for you to create, deploy and analyze a simple survey. ) Include a copy of your survey. This section of the paper will contain 1 page of text and 3 charts. Chart # 1 Provide charts of your results and describe those charts in words Description of Chart # 1 Provide charts of your results and describe those charts in words Chart # 2 Provide charts of your results and describe those charts in words Description of Chart # 2 Provide charts of your results and describe those charts in words Chart # 3 Provide charts of your results and describe those charts in words Description of Chart # 3 Provide charts of your results and describe those charts in words Part 2: Use of Results Explain how the results of your survey can be used by a media group or company. Conclusion Add some concluding remarks-can be a sentence or two. References NOTE: The reference list starts on a new page after your conclusion. For help with formatting citations and references using rules outlined in the APA Manual’s 6th Edition, please check out the AIU APA guide located under the Interactive Learning section on the left side of the course. Examples: American Psychological Association [APA]. (2010) Publication manual of the American Psychological association (6th ed. ). Washington, DC: Author. Association of Legal Writing Directors (ALWD) (2005). ALWD citation manual: A professional system of citation (3rd ed. ). New York: Aspen Publishers.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Online Education and Pragmatism

Online Education and Pragmatism Effect of Online Education and Adult Education and Connection with John Dewey’s Pragmatism The principles and paradigm of education has changed dramatically. More and more people understand the importance of the education and want to receive good knowledge by means of attending a prestigious college at any age. Thus, it appears that adult education and online education as the innovative forms for learning are in demand.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Online Education and Pragmatism specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The main idea of this paper is to consider the effect of online education and adult education on the paradigm of the social learning structure, connect these forms of studying with John Dewey’s pragmatism and interpret the issue from a different philosophical perspective. Thus, online education is considered as the studying on the basis of the innovative technologies which take place on the I nternet and is based on the principles of individual distant learning. Adult education does not differ greatly from ordinary generally accepted classes with the differences that they are attended by adults and are aimed at expanding their school education or deepening it is a particular working sphere. Dewey was sure that there should be the contest between traditional education and progressive, like online and adult, as he used to say that â€Å"that the issue runs deeper than a mere contention between advocates of progressive education and traditional education† and the attempts had to be taken â€Å"to resolve the dualism that ultimately divided and broke the spirit of the progressive education movement† (Schubert, 2006, p. 79). Therefore, it may be concluded that taking into account Dewey’s theory, the innovative education is to be in contrast with the traditional one until the specific steps are not taken. John Dewey’s pragmatism may be covered in th e following, If a theory makes no difference in educational endeavor, it must be artificial. The educational point of view enables one to envisage the philosophic problems where they arise and thrive, where acceptance or rejection makes a difference in practice. If we are willing to conceive education as the process of forming fundamental dispositions, intellectual and emotional, toward nature and fellow-men, philosophy may even be defined as the general theory of education (in Saito, 2006, p. 345).Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Interpretation of the Issue from a Different Philosophical Perspective One of the main ideas of the Dewey’s philosophy is that education should be changed due to the changes in the society. The democratic relation to education should become a priority. Therefore, the online education and adult education are exactly what Dewey was talking abo ut. However, it is possible to consider these types of education from other perspectives. Thus, Cavell is sure that the difference should be made via language and the education should speak to learners. The main difference from the Dewey’s education is that Cavell offers to make difference in the form of teaching that may be used in online learning and adult education. Therefore, it should be stated that even though Dewey and Cavell wanted to apply different pragmatist theories, they wanted to make education different from traditional, to present innovative ideas which may be helpful in making a difference. The philosophies of Dewey and Cavell coincide as they are aimed at making difference, but they are also various as the pragmatism of Dewey is that he talks about education, while Cavell speaks to the learners. Online education and adult learning may apply to the theories of these scholars. Reference List Saito, N. (2006). Philosophy as Education and Education as Philosophy : Democracy and Education from Dewey to Cavell. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 40(3), 345-356. Schubert, W. H. (2006). Teaching John Dewey as a Utopian Pragmatist While Learning from My Students. Education Culture, 22(1), 78-83.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Writing For Magazines

Writing For Magazines Writing For Magazines Writing For Magazines By Sharon Theres more to writing for magazines than getting your name into Cosmopolitan. Thousands of new magazines are launched every year and its a big market for freelance writers. In fact, its even bigger now that so many magazines have an online presence. So, how do you go about writing a magazine article that will sell? What Magazine Articles Do I admit, I didnt know this when I wrote my first magazine article, but most magazine articles do one of four things. They inform, adding to your knowledge about a subject. They help you to solve a problem. They persuade you about a particular viewpoint. They entertain you. Some articles do more than one of those things at the same time. How To Structure A Magazine Article When youre ready to write then you need to think about structure. With magazine articles, you can move beyond the inverted pyramid of news. Instead, you can build to an important point or scatter important points throughout the article. Tell A Story The key thing to remember is that youre telling a story to your readers. That means you need a beginning, a middle and an end. It also means you need to think about where youre taking your reader and create a logical path to that end point. Beginning Your Magazine Article The first thing you need to do is get people to read your article, so you need to find a way to grab them. When I interview people, I often start the resulting article with a quote or an anecdote from their life. However, you can also set the scene or use anything that will get attention. The Middle With most magazine articles, you talk to a person or people. People like reading about other people, so if your interviewee says something good, use a quote rather than reported speech. This makes your magazine article more interesting. Ending Your Magazine Article Finally, end with a bang. This could be an important point, a revelation, or another anecdote or quote. The idea is to satisfy your reader and to get that reader interested in your other writing. Extra Credit When you research an article, you often have information left over that didnt make it into the main piece. Dont get rid of this. Use it to create a sidebar or table (editors will love this), or as the starting point for another article. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Freelance Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Regarding Re:Loan, Lend, Loaned, Lent10 Tips About How to Write a Caption

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Negotiate in business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Negotiate in business - Essay Example "At the business level, firms follow generic strategies: cost leadership, differentiation, focused cost leadership, focused differentiation, or integrated cost leadership/differentiation. There are three corporate-level negotiation strategies: multi-domestic, global, or transnational (a combination of multi-domestic and global)" (2). Each business must develop a competitive negotiation strategy focused on its own domestic market. Negotiation strategies have some unique features. The negotiation strategies are based at least partially on the type of negotiation corporate-level strategy the firm has chosen. Some firms pursue corporate strategies that give individual country units the authority to develop their own negotiation strategies; other corporate strategies dictate the negotiation strategies in order to standardize the firms products and sharing of resources across countries. (3) Canadians are usually independent thinkers, who are not afraid to go against the group consensus. Canadians will argue their personal viewpoints enthusiastically, though rarely aggressively when negotiating (4). Canadians have a tendency to be reasonably formal and reserved in the workplace. The business traditions can be hierarchical, although summits are usually very autonomous and all participants are encouraged to voice their opinions. (2) In recent years, strategic alliances have become a popular means of negotiation expansion. Most strategic alliances are formed with a host-country firm that knows and understands the competitive negotiation conditions, legal, and social norms, and cultural idiosyncrasies of the country, which should help the expanding firm manufacture and market a competitive negotiation product. (1) In return, the host-country firm may find its new access to the expanding firms technology and innovative products attractive (3). Each partner in an alliance brings knowledge or resources to

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Anemia Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Anemia - Research Paper Example It happens when our body fails on making healthy Red Blood Cells and leads to fatal diseases like cancer, thalassemia etc (Uthman 4). To understand how anemia gets itself rooted within a person’s body it becomes important to first understand what is the importance of Red Blood Cells in our body and why their deficiency cause anemia. It is a common assumption that human body has large proportion of blood but this is not true. Actually, blood makes up only a small fraction of our body’s volume i-e blood accounts for only seven present of the total body volume. Various systems in our body hugely depend upon blood circulation and its confinement most importantly the Circulatory system and Reticuloendothelial System (Uthman 7). Blood may appear to be like an inert liquid to the naked eye but in real sense it is living and breathing tissue just like any other body part. It consists of cells suspended in a liquid medium. Plasma is that liquid medium which accounts for about 60 percent of the total blood volume and it comprises of 93 percent water (Uthman 9). Besides water, it also consists of two types of proteins called albumin and globulins. Plasma also contains proteins that are involved in the coagulation of blood and are called coagulation factors. If we take plasma out of the blood and let it clot or coag ulate then the resulting fluid is called serum. The quantity of nutrients and other substances in serum helps evaluating anemia during laboratory testing. Forty percent of total blood volume is constituted by Blood Cells and the Red Blood Cells (RBCs or Erythrocytes) formulate the largest proportion while the other constituents are the White Blood Cells (Leukocytes) and Platelets. RBCs have nuclei in the DNA and are self-replicating cells that are made in the bone marrow. RBCs account for half of the total blood cells in the body and their only

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Religion and the Arts, Churches and Cathedrals - Buildings and Beliefs Essay

Religion and the Arts, Churches and Cathedrals - Buildings and Beliefs - Essay Example The medieval priory church has an interesting history, architectural features, and other unique elements The purpose of this paper is to investigate the history of the Priory Church of St. Bartholomew focusing on the period of its construction, analyse the architectural features characteristic of the period, and discuss other interesting aspects of the building. Smithfield was originally a flat grassy area of high ground to the north-west of the City of London, outside the city walls. During the Roman occupation, Smithfield was used as a cemetery and cremation grounds, since these were not permitted by Roman law within the walled City. During the Norman invasions, the Smithfield area reverted to agricultural use (Rees, 1996: 6). Before the founding of the priory, Smithfield was notorious as a place of public execution. However, the area was also used for more festive purposes such as tournaments, pageants and plays, and was well known throughout the mediaeval period for horse trading. From 1133 the monastery established the Bartholomew Fair, an annual three-day event on the eve of St. Bartholomew’s Day. The area designated for the Fair was extended over the years, and the event continued annually for over seven hundred years, sometimes lasting two weeks, until it was stopped in 1855. The cloth fair was known throughout Europe and the priory received large profits from the fair, through the centuries. With the ban on slaughtering within the city walls from 1381, there was development of meat and livestock trade at Smithfield (Rees, 1996:8, 7). According to Shepherd & Elmes (1929: 114), on the east side of Smithfield stands the parish church of St. Bartholomew the Great which originally adjoined the priory of St. Bartholomew. When the latter was pulled down to the choir, that part was used by the King’s order for the enlargement of the old Church. Later, when Queen Mary gave the

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Topic Of Tourism In UAE Tourism Essay

The Topic Of Tourism In UAE Tourism Essay The main aim to provide this study on the topic of tourism in UAE is to provide an overview of the condition in the United Arab Emirates. The below paragraphs given are divided into five chapters to study all about tourism in UAE which gives an overall information related with the tourism sector of United Arab Emirates. Chapter 1 is the Introduction which gives basic information about the things which we are going to do in our study. Chapter 2 consists of the Data collection and analysis of the data which tells about the nature of tourist and tourist destination place. Chapter 3 includes approach and methodology which is applied to get the data and Chapter 4 is included to analysis and interpret the data which is collected. At the end Chapter 5 consists of conclusion, recommendations and suggestions for the topic covered. CHAPTER-1 Introduction- INTRODUCTION- The country United Arab Emirates has a unique property that it is governed by the seven self governing sheikhs namely Sharjah, Umm al Qaiwain, Dubai, Ajman, Ras al-Khaimah, Abu Dhabi, Fujairah. As we all know that UAE is the favorite tourist destination around the globe and mostly in Middle East for both leisure travelers and business persons. There has been boost observed in the tourism industry of United Arab Emirates which is basically a result of development or production of different modes of communication. There are many reasons for the favorite tourism destination place of many business person due to crime free environment, traditional Arab hospitality and most importantly highly developed infrastructure. There are many tourist places which are worth admiring which have given boom in the tourism industry. RATIONALE OF THE STUDY- The basic principle to study the tourism sector of the United Arab Emirates is to learn about the destination places and the background of the tourism which indicates start of the tourism sector of the country. The study will be mainly focus on the nature of tourist that is where they prefer to go, number of tourist arriving and leaving and much more. There is comparison with the United States of America and United Kingdom of UAE tourism which can make them think about the situation about how they can cope up with the rising problems in the tourism sector. The most important reason for the base of the study is to remove the negative impacts of the sector. RESEARCH QUESTIONS- There are many questions which arise related with the tourism sector in the United Arab Emirates. Some of them are- What are the elements which contribute to the study of tourism in UAE? Why we are performing study on the tourism sector of United Arab Emirates? What is the position of tourism compared according to the countries like USA and UK? What are the negative impacts on the tourism sector of the United Arab Emirates? What are the famous places which are usually visited by most of the tourists? STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM- The main thing which comes in the way of tourism sector of United Arab Emirates is the comparison between USA and UK which has comparatively larger hub as a tourist place. Some negative impacts can also be counted from the tourism in United Arab Emirates which are stones on the way of success in United Arab Emirates. EXPLANATION OF THE TERMS- The main term which was used in the coming paragraph is Sustainable Tourism which is an industry committed towards maintaining the standard of the tourism industry making less impact on the environment and the local culture. Sustainable tourism cannot be related with the Ecotourism as it ensures that development can bring positive experience in the local people. OBJECTIVE OF STUDY- The main objective behind the study of tourism in United Arab Emirates is to study the deep concept of tourism in Middle East by studying about the incoming and outgoing of the tourists, favorite destination place of the tourists and historical attraction for tourists. There is comparison done between the tourism of countries UK and USA with the tourism sector of UAE. There are various factors which imposes negative factor on the tourism industry of UAE. DELIMITATION OF STUDY- Delimitation of study is basically the study which defines the scope or boundaries of the study. The proposals of development of the tourism sector of the country by the exclusionary and inclusionary decisions among which the choice of objectives and questions, alternative theoretical perspectives and variable interests can be adopted. There are various steps involved in the study which are described in the form of coming paragraphs in our study of tourism sector of United Arab Emirates. SCHEME OF CHAPTERIZATION- There are basically five chapters included in the study of tourism in United Arab Emirates in which first chapter consists of Introduction part which consists of the introduction of the study or issues which we will be going to raise in our further paragraphs. Second Chapter includes the review of literature related with the UAE tourism in which reviewing of international or local studies has been done and implications of review for the present study has been proposed in coming paragraphs. Third Chapter consists of Approach and Methodology which is clear from its name as the approach and method required for performing study. Fourth Chapter is included to make analysis on the data and provide with an interpretation which includes Data collection and analysis and major findings related with the topic. Last chapter consists of Conclusion, Recommendations and suggestions which will help in doing further studies on the tourism sector of United Arab Emirates. Chapter 2- Literature Review- INTRODUCTION- There are various types of studies done on the tourism sector of UAE in which basically we will be discussing about the two main types that are International Study and Local Study. The studies have been done on various factors which affect the tourism industry of the United Arab Emirates. Basically the literature review shows summary of some of the key literature underlying the framework report. The literature review is included as the three supplementary documents in the framework report and the other two are Indicators of Sustainability and Indicators and Sustainable tourism. As according to the sustainable development there is freedom to accept the shades of green in approaching sustainable tourism and based on this approach which holds development of tourism and tourists together and consider satisfaction of operator as central aim to the darker green which carry precautionary principle and concept of carrying features highly (Hunter, 1997). As we have discussed about Sustainable tourism which is taking place in most of the country including United Arab Emirates which means when we combine the term sustainable with the tourism then the latter must take on the social, environmental and economical considerations that are inherent in the former. There are many other factors included under three headings which are described above that is Social, environmental and economical. Butler in 1980 proposed a model of the evolution of development of tourism popularly known as tourist-area life cycle in which he tries to introduce the notion of carrying capacity which means that at any tourist place there is a limit to tourist members beyond which they are damage to the future capability of the area as a tourist attraction. Although tourism carrying capacity is a useful concept in the prevailing view of literature but it helps us to understand the practical and theoretical application of the sustainable tourism. INTERNATIONAL STUDIES- There are various studies being proposed in order to study the concept of tourism in the United Arab Emirates in which according to expert Dubai is the most favorite destination to the attract the foreigners to itself which is one of the seven emirates comprising the United Arab Emirates located on the Persian gulf. Various studies have shown that Dubai is the premier tourist destination place in the whole region which is complemented with the worlds largest man-made harbor by the bustling port industry of Jebel Ali. (Welcome to Dubai Travel guide) The writers have defined the city with innovation at its finest as it is getting much popularity and income from the tourist attraction which comes from real estates, massive infrastructure, breaking of Guinness Records and other activities related to sports, leisure, beaches and many more. However compared to other countries Dubai too comprises of share good travel spots to which most of people unwind and settle down for the time being. Dubai is considered as the important part of the governments strategy to maintain the flow of cash into the emirates from the foreign country. Mainly the tourists arrive in this city for shopping but also to attend other ancient and modern attractions of the country. According to the people, Dubai is basically considered as the shopping capital of the Middle East which draws a large number of shopping tourists from other countries within the region and as far from Europe also. LOCAL STUDY- When we talk about the local study then the main thing which comes into the mind of people is of a month long festival which is known as Dubai Shopping festival which is held during the month of January every year and during this time whole of the Emirates is observed as the shopping mall and additionally to attract the tourist and give rise to tourism this festival brings together folk dances, music shows and art exhibition. According to the localities, Sightseeing is considered as poor second for most of the visitors who basically comes considering Dubai as a shopping paradise. In the boom of economic development in the city like Dubai, various aspects of Dubais old culture overshadowed the former and some of the tourists can be found visiting the places around creek which makes Dubai split into two halves which are known as Bur Dubai and Deira. IMPLICATION OF REVIEW- As we have talked about the Sustainable tourism in the review which basically tells about the factors such as environment, economical and social, this comes into effect when we add tourism with the Sustainable. There are two types of studies done on the tourism sector of the United Arab Emirates which tells about the various factors related with the tourism industry and the places which are famous for the tourist destination. The suggestion for the review to improve the drawbacks which are coming on the way of the tourism of UAE is to improve the judicial procedure and improvement in tourist places should be done. Chapter 3- Approach and Methodology- INTRODUCTION- The approach used for finding the tourism information of the UAE is survey performed on the people of United Arab Emirates. There are various projects being run by the government in order to promote tourism in the country and especially in Dubai which has a mission of comprising of 86 percent of tourism related construction projects all over gulf in the next coming eight years which was reported by a newspaper of the UAE. (Abu Dhabi and dubai to lead the region tourism projects) The approach which is used for determining the information about the tourism sector of the country is to perform survey on the foreign tourist as well as the local tourist as well as performing analysis on the data collected. The nature of data is in the form of number which will be representing the nature of the people and reaction of the people with respect to their attendance to various destination of tourist and basically mostly survey could be performed in the Malls where most of the tourist are found as Dubai is considered as the Shopping destination of the Middle East. Sources of Data is basically aimed at viewing two section which comprises of National people and foreign tourists which are chosen for survey in order to get reaction over the destination places of tourists. Sample are considered as the surveys which are performed on the people which have come to visit the tourist places and the procedure to make survey is to perform survey in the Mall as mostly tourist come for shopping, famous tourist destination places and beaches. Data collection is based on the survey which we got from conducting on the people and analysis is done based on that survey. There are basically findings which are related with the tourism sector of the United Arab Emirates. DATA ANALYSIS- The analysis done through survey is basically used to find out the starting of the tourism industry in the United Arab Emirates, the comparison between the tourism industry of United Arab Emirates and United States of America and United Kingdom. The negative impacts which are coming on the way of tourism in the United Arab Emirates and the suggestion for removing the negative impacts on tourism. There is discussion on the famous and favorite destination places of the United Arab Emirates which is mostly attained by the tourists on coming to the UAE. Mostly the tourism sector is being promoted due to the relaxed and wealthy nature of the Arab city which is also known for its oil fortunes. There is basically overview of the tourism being described through collection of data and analysis done on the data collected. Questionnaire- Do negative impacts affect tourism of the country? Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Are relation with the USA and UK strong as seen with the perspective of tourism industry? Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Do you agree with more and more tourist coming to your country? Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree There is major change which can be seen in the infrastructure and maintenance of the tourist destination place. Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Have you provided any contribution in the welfare and security of the tourists in your country Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Services provided to the foreign tourist are worth admiring Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Proper messages and treatment is given to the tourist which are coming across the globe Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Is there any racial discrimination done in the country with respect to the tourists. Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Chapter 4- Data Analysis and Interpretation- INTRODUCTION- As we have collected data surveying on various kinds of people which provides their view over the destination places, shopping malls and other heritage sites present. There are major findings on the data collected which represent the view of the survey presented by the people on the tourist places. The comparison between USA and UK and United Arab Emirates which provides the scope of improvement in the tourism sector and positive and negative impacts which are effecting the tourism in the United Arab Emirates. DATA ANALYSIS- The table represents the reaction of people on various kinds of questions asked to them. QUESTION NUMBER STRONGLY AGREE AGREE NEUTRAL DISAGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE Question 1 40 30 15 5 10 Question 2 10 40 20 10 10 Question 3 80 1 1 3 15 Question 4 15 45 5 10 25 Question 5 40 10 5 25 20 Question 6 90 2 1 2 5 Question 7 10 6 5 4 75 Question 8 25 50 10 5 10 As we have collected the data from surveying the people we have found out that the concept of tourism started in the 20th century in United Arab Emirates which is getting raise day by day through the huge infrastructure present in the seven emirates. Abu Dhabi which is capital of UAE is considered as the richest city of its existence which consists of scenic wave front Croniche and the overgenerous Emirates palace hotels which are hard to miss by any tourist and the beauty present in the city takes the capital of the country to the next level. (World guides, 2010) At a cost of US$ 30 million, Abu Dhabi is basically trying to compete with the glitz of Dubai by building the Saadiyat Island which means Island of happiness which comprises of museums, parks, beaches, golf courses which is not scheduled to complete before 2018. There are all kinds of destination place within Abu Dhabi suiting all tastes and ages. The Al Ain Zoo is preferred to spend the afternoon exploring the animal attraction where families and mostly children are used to spend time and the hill fun city amusement park is also famous for its roller coaster ride. The city also offers a village known as Abu Dhabi Heritage Village which offers the history of Abu Dhabi represented in a peculiar manner. There is much history present inside the city of Abu Dhabi and home to innumerable impressive sites in which most famous is White fort which is considered as home of many of the citys leaders. The Eastern fort is another citys prominent landmarks and Al Manhal Palace which is just short from the downtown of Abu Dhabi and surrounded by the expanse of parkland. Mostly Dubai and Abu Dhabi is famous for its Shopping where huge malls and festivals are created for attracting the tourists from all over the world. The real estate sector of Dubai also attracts the people from all over the world where separate man-made islands are created for the people at very handsome rates. There are around 24 tourist destination places within Dubai which attracts the tourists which includes five star rating and four star ratings from the government in which some of them are Burj Al-Arab, Bur Dubai Museum, Al Maha Desert Resort and Spa, Mall of the emirates, one and only Royal Mirage Resort, Jumeirah Mosque, Jumeirah Beach hotel, Majlis Ghorfat Um-al-sheef, Bur Sheikh Saeed Al Maktoum House. These are the places which are given five star rating which means that it is highly recommended attractions to visit in Dubai. The places such as Deira Al-Ahmadiya School, Bur Heritage and Diving Village, Jumeirah city, Wild Wadi, Deirah Spice Souq, Deira heritage house, De ira gold Souq, Deira Dubai creek golf and yacht club, Oud Metha Wafi city are given four star ratings which is recommended for visiting in Dubai. (Top rated dubai tourist attractions, 2010) MAJOR FINDINGS- The major findings in the study of tourism basically turn our attention towards the relation between the USA and UK and UAE. The tourism sector is basically compared within these countries and the help which is provided by the USA and UK to United Arab Emirates for developing the tourist destination places to attract more and more tourist across the world. As we all know about the United States contribution of $733 million to the United Arab Emirates tourism economy in 2008 in a challenging economy environment through which international tourism remains flexible according to the new Tourism Outlook in United States of America. As to travel in United States the person coming from States has to purchase average amount of $139.69 while an Emirati travelers has to spend around $262 million on their visa branded payment cards which was observed as 49 increment over 2007. United States also analyzed attitudes and intentions of the traveler which was basically based on 11 key source markets. There is decrement in the travelling of US people due to socio-economic climate which is creates inside the country but somewhere it is not affected by the economic environment where 83 percent adjust their international travel plans while 52 percent opt for travelling during off peak season and around 33 percent choose the place where cost is comparative ly less. (US contributed $733 million to UAEs tourism economy in 2008, 2009) There are various positive and negative impacts on the tourism industry of every country but the country here is United Arab Emirates. We all know about the positive impacts which affect the tourism in the positive manner but the negative impacts can be in the form of crime which will affect the tourism. The other thing is about the maintenance of the tourist destination places which gives the first impression of the place. When we talk about the Negative impacts then the primary source of these impacts is environment present in the country as some of the places may be polluted which can be harmful for the tourists as they are not use to that kind of environment. These were some of the negative impacts on the tourism sector of the country as it can affect the position and reputation of the tourism department of the country. DISCUSSION- As we have collected the data from the people at the tourist place which gives their view over the tourist facilities being provided by the government to the people coming from outside. There are well established shopping malls for the tourists which are fully filled with facilities. The relation with USA and UK are also emerging as the main topic for the tourism industry in which various steps has been taken by both the countries to lure the people of both the countries toward each other. The negative impacts of the factor discussed above are tried to be minimized taking efforts towards it which will be helpful in building a strong base for the tourism sector of the United Arab Emirates. CONCLUSION- The conclusion which allows us to take the best move to take our tourism sector to the sky heights is to maintain the tourist places well to attract more and more people towards it. Mainly United Arab Emirates is famous for its shopping festival which should be marketed around the globe which attracts the people to take part in it from other countries. Chapter 5- Summary, Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations SUMMARY: United Arab Emirates is controlled by seven sheikhs and it is the place which is known as favorite tourist destination around the world. This increment of tourism is due to the factors like crime free environment and highly developed infrastructure and there is various worth places due to which tourist industry is at boom. To learn the destination places and the background of the tourism sector of the country is basic principle to study the tourism sector of the United Arab Emirates. The study is about the tourists nature that is their preferences of going, collection about the arrival and leaving of tourists and various other things. There are very much differences in the United States of America and United Kingdom of UAE tourism which makes them think and ways of coping up with the problems in the tourism sector. This is done for removing the impacts of the sector which are negative. Many questions arise which are related with the sector of tourism in the United Arab Emirates like the contributing elements for the study of tourism in UAE? Other important question that is raised is that what is the position of tourism compared according to the countries like USA and UK? In United Arab Emirates, some negative impacts can also be included from the tourism which is bottlenecks on the way of success in United Arab Emirates. The main objective of study of study of tourism in United Arab Emirates is studying the concept of tourism in the Middle East and by studying the incoming and outgoing of the tourists. There is large number of chapters included in the tourism study in United Arab Emirates and these chapters consist of introduction. These chapters also contain the approach and methodology. There are various types of studies and the two major studies are international study and the local study. It is noted that Dubai is considered to maintain the flow of cash. There are drawback suggestions like the improvement of judicial procedure and the improvement in tourist places should be done. Surveys performed on the people of United Arab Emirates are an approach used for finding the information about tourism. The main aim of sources of data is to view two sections which consist of National people and foreign tourists. FINDINGS: After reading all the points about the whole process of tourism, employment, and various other growths in UAE and after doing various surveys in between the local people and the tourists in UAE, it is found that all the programs except a few problems launched by the government are helpful and favoured by both the local people and the tourists. Various programs and schemes like with 2 tickets of adult a free ticket of child is provided during the tourist season which is liked by majority of the tourists and this type of schemes attracts the tourists. When the tourists come to UAE, most of the hotels, bars etc are totally booked and this helps in the employment of various people. When a survey was done recently for the comments of the tourists and the local people of UAE, it was found that about 90% of the people and the tourists were satisfied with the policies of government and the behavior of the local people with the tourists. According to tourists the behavior of the people of UAE is very supportive and there are no problems of crime and cheating. But some of the tourists and the resident people have some problems from the increment in tourism. It is found that one of the major problems that are faced is of environmental pollution like destruction of forest, noise and air pollution which harms the health of the local people of UAE and due to this a little decrement has taken place in the tourism industry in UAE. It is founded that most of the developments in UAE is because of the growth of tourism industry. CONCLUSIONS: From all the discussions above it is concluded that the main reason for the development of UAE is tourism and without tourism UAE would not have been grown as much. From the above discussions about tourism in UAE, we have come to know that tourism is not only the purpose of recreation but it also a source of service. UAE depends heavily on the foreigners travel expenditure as a great source of taxation and income for various enterprises. Therefore in UAE, tourism is a strategy of promoting a particular region with a purpose of increasing commerce through the export of goods and services. In UAE, the tourism provides employment to the people in the form of Hotels bars etc and due to this it is concluded that tourism in UAE increases the standard of living of people and decreases the unemployment. But tourism has some disadvantages in UAE in the form of environmental damage like forest fires, destruction of sand dunes and pollution. This increased pollution disturbs the local residents and this pollution discourages the tourism in future. Though, the government of UAE has launched various programs for the control of the pollution but all these programs were not good enough to control the pollution. The traditional culture of UAE is very unique and very vast but the tourist does not always give respect to the traditional culture which is very sad to hear but it is true. Finally it is concluded that tourism is a very profitable process especially in UAE as development in UAE depends vastly on this industry because there is no requirement of lot of literacy and it yields very much profit with very little investment SUGGESTIONS: There are many advantages of tourism and the tourism in UAE is perfect up to a certain level but there are some drawbacks of tourism in UAE. Some suggestions for the removal of these drawbacks are- first of all the tourism in UAE causes pollution which damages the environment so control measures for pollution like noise and air should be taken by the government like use of CNG more than petrol and diesel. As the tourism provide employment to many people in UAE through bars, hotels, tourist guide etc so to increase the employment more and more hotels and bars should be opened by the government of UAE. Due to high employment the economy of the country increases at a rapid rate which further leads to the growth of UAE. Many factories should be opened by the government of UAE because the tourism in UAE provides indirect employment in terms of workers of the factory that helps in producing goods and services in the economy which helps in meeting the demand of the population in tourism. To promote the tourism in UAE government should give various offers to the tourists like discount on the packages given during the tourist season and large number of packages should be taken out during the festivals in UAE. The main problem in UAE is of security so more police forces should be appointed only for the tourism. More tourism in UAE will lead to more and more development of the country.