Thursday, November 14, 2019

Argument for Making Hemp Growth Legal Essay example -- Argumentative

Argument for Making Hemp Growth Legal There is vast history of hemp as an agricultural crop in the United States. The crop was grown extensively until its ban in 1937. Prior to the ban on hemp the plant was one of the biggest cash crops of the Southern United States. For instance in Kentucky hemp was the biggest cash crop up until 1915. In these southern states hemp was used as a rotation crop between tobacco crops as well as other crops. Thomas Jefferson even wrote in his own writings that, â€Å"Hemp is of first necessity to the wealth and protection of the country.† Jefferson's theories can offer thought on the hemp ban being lifted during World War II because the crop was needed for industrial products. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) produced a film called â€Å"Hemp for Victory† to promote farmers to grow hemp in order to supply a need for rope and clothing in 1942 for the war. The promotion of hemp led to 400,000 acres â€Å"grown† into production all over the United States proving that the crop is profitable to farmers. But, as soon as WWII ended hemp went back to the ban of 1937. The Marijuana Tax Act lead to any plant with tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) outlawed to production. THC is the reason that hemp is no longer available to American farmers. The chemical THC in marijuana makes people â€Å"high† when it is smoked. The levels of THC in hemp are so minuet (one percent) that the plant can not be used as a hallucinogen. In order for a plant, such as marijuana, to work as a hallucinogen it must contain at the least four percent THC. When you hear the word hemp what is your first thought? If it is marijuana then you are mistaken. Hemp, the plant that is grown for agricultural and indu... 5.) Works Cited Alden, Dave M., Phillip W. Gay, and John R. Proops. "Industrial hemp's double dividend: a study for the USA." Ecologial Economics 25 (1998): 291-301. Bennett, Michael, and Randall T. Fortenbery. "Opportunities for Commercial Hemp Production." Review of Agricultural Economics 26 (n.d.): 97-117. Fryxell, Gerald E., Marinilka Kimbro, and Terri Mottershead. "The Boston Trading and Manufacturing Co. Ltd. (HK): Hemp,." Asian Case Research Journal 5 (2001): 203-226. 3 Mar. 2004 78175>. Hemp and Marijuana: Myths & Realities. Comp. Dr. David P. West. Vers. 1. 1994. University of Madison. 3 Mar. 2005 . Hightower, Jim. "High on Hemp ." Humanist 64 (2004): 4-6.

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