Saturday, May 2, 2020

Leadership Trends

Question: Leadership development is essential in today's contemporary workplace and beyond. Research and report on current trends in Leadership Development. Select one trend and discuss in depth the importance of this trend for the future or leadership. Make recommendations for how this particular trend could be developed in the leaders of tomorrow. Answer: Introduction: It refers to any activity that increase the quality of leadership within a single or in any company. Leadership development has focused on the advancement of the leadership abilities and attitudes of ones. The purpose of leadership development is divided to three variables: Learning characteristics Nature of the leader A Leader must be supportive Leadership development focus on: Experiential learning: arranging individual in focus of the learning process, which is divided into different stages: Concrete experience Observation and demonstration Forming conceptual concept Performance of one's in different situations. Self efficacy: the right training and coaching should bring about 'Self efficacy' in the trainee or capabilities to produce effects. Vision: Developing the ability to formulate a clear image of the aspired future of an organization unit. Attitude: attitude plays a major role in being a leader. Various trends have been followed in the leadership, out of which one of such trends is leadership at a collective level, which is discussed in depth below: Leadership development trends: Leadership Development, some trends that are used in the development of leadership, They are: 1. Organizations should give priority to their importance on leadership development : Organizations, companies and other agencies are in danger without developing leadership due to different facts. For reducing these dangers, the forceful and working application of leadership development is very important for leadership development, organizations make a leadership meeting/committee to develop talent. 2. Organizations should make and implement a leadership development and strategy : Good leadership development needs a good strategy and plan. It doesn't only mean the implementation of a program, it needs a good leadership. All the strategies are unsuccessful without these programs, which means that they are of no use with good leadership. It is more than the singles. A Strategy defines the company's requirements. It includes the facts like at which level should a leader should be placed. This means that a proper leadership and a good strategy is required in an organization. 3. Leadership behavior should be renewed : Old leadership competencies are important, but these should be renewed time by time, so that, it doesn't get outdated, which indirectly a harm to the organization. Research revealed five facts that a renewing leadership competency: The need of new and creative thoughts and ideas of doing business and also management. The need of fast moving and flexible leaders. Competing all over the world. Management of people in organization, Different needs of employers 4. Leadership should be globalized : The mindsets and thinking globally can help in leadership development. It is, leaders need to understand local differences and also difference in culture, and work according to that, which makes it easier for leaders and organization to complete the task. Organizations are nowadays changing their business strategies to expand their business globally, for that leadership should be globalized. The need is that leader should think and act globally as well as locally and they should move beyond their geographical limits. 5. Being technologically savvy : Technological savvy is a very important fact for good leadership nowadays. More practical/technological knowledge a leader has, he/she is more efficient. Moreover, technology makes it easier to communicate between the leader and his/her employee, whatever they're geographically located. There is an increase in requirements of leading a physically dispersed team, so technology plays an important role. 6. Leadership development should aim all leaders in an organization : A research proves that all leadership development of leaders at all levels in an organization should be done. So, leadership is the most important key, by developing all leaders in a company like human resource, or any other leader. This means that development must be done at all levels. Trend: Developing Leadership at a Collective Level: These days organizations have strengthened the connection between a work of leaders, so that leadership can be developed, which made a difference between leadership and leader development. With the help of development of the individuals, leadership development can be done to make leaders. There is a need to concentrate on interpersonal connections between members in the team. The people who compromise the organization are one of the important resource that the organization possesses. Many organizations develop these kind of resources. The most important resource that an organization possesses is the people that comprise the organization, these resources of development are addressed by some organizations as leadership capability. The currently existing idea regarding the leadership nature, has emerged after through passing several decades. Novel ideas like emotional intelligence, keep on getting added to the previously existing ideas, like planning and organizing. A considerable research has been conducted about the attributes of those managers, who have been considered as high performers. However, various approaches have been adopted by various researchers for this task. A few of them have viewed these tasks as activities, others as skills and while some others as personal qualities. A majority of the organizations has used competence frameworks as a description of the required management behaviors, usually including the personal qualities along with activities. National Management Standards have been present since a decade and also have gone through amendments many times during that period. Such standards mainly reflect and focus upon the opinion on leadership and management rather than rigorous research. Several ideas related to leadership and management may apply to the senior managers, but may not apply to the middle or junior managers. Apart from that, there also exist limitations in terms of gender or nationality, etc. Impact of leadership and management on organizational performance: There is a strong relationship between the organizational performance and the practices of Human resource management. There exists a dual relationship between the leadership development and human resource management with regard to performance. Where, on one hand, the Human resource management is a vital area where management along with leadership development is applied. Since HRM contributes in improving the overall performance, it implies that leadership and management also contribute in improving the performance. While on the other hand, if viewed from a traditional viewpoint, the management as well as the leadership development is one of the several practices of the HRM, and the proof that it plays a role in the Human resource management effect along with various other parts of HRM, is equally true and important. Lastly, the research on the HRM performance is one of the most extensive and thorough research. This stream of research is crucial to the debate on the management and le adership development in various ways: Training is one of those HRM practices, which are related to the higher level of organizational performance. As a result of which, the management training, which forms a part of the broader training, makes a good amount of positive contribution in the performance of the organization. Rather, training activities and management development have been described by the famous researchers, Becker and Huselid as one of the one of the four key elements of the HRM systems. Managers play the dual role of input as well as output in an HRM. Almost all the processes of HRM recognized as important, are those, which are implemented by the managers with the help of their personal talent and skills. Besides this, the managers are also the principal trainers of training and development to the other members of staff. Thus, all the good and effective practices of the HRM are dependent on the managers of good quality. This argument holds good, especially, in some of the most recent research, which emphasizes the standard and quality of the implementation of HRM. Working of the Management and Leadership Development? The evidence as to how management and leadership development works is based upon the situations and circumstances. A practical example of this is, in order to get the benefit of the management and leadership development, a design of a suitable approach is required and it is different for different situations and a universal model of best practice is not adopted. It includes This point applies to both the processes, by which management and leadership capabilities are created by the management and leadership development along with the processes, this capability is utilized towards the achievement of performance. The proof about the first link suggests that development is required to be fitted and supported by a variety of strategies of learning on the part of learning individuals and groups. Both the formal as well as the informal methods of learning are required to be designed so as to support the natural learning, which goes on in the implementation of the leadership and the manageme nt work. With the change in the nature of society, the form of leadership capability and management has also changed. However, there are several different forms and means of organizational work which increase the diversification of the management and leadership capabilities. Those aspects of management and leadership capability, which are related to creativity, entrepreneurship and innovation have increased importance in many situations. The modes and methods, by which the management and leadership development have contributed to the organizational performance, and the forms with which they are developed vary according to the size and sector on the ethnicity, gender and other different categories for the purpose of learning individuals as well as groups. The approaches and methods of learning are different for different organizations. Both the private and the public sectors go through the change and a variety exists within as well as between these categories. These differences can b e best understood in terms of the various ranges of management and leadership capabilities, which are drawn on different circumstances. In the private as well as the public sectors, the capabilities, which are associated with the political working and with networks, which are outside the organizational settings seem to be increasingly important in the public as well as private sectors, and with special significance given to the public sector as compared to the previous practice. The management and leadership development becomes efficient in the organizational settings by the strong impact of the culture and practices of the HRM of those organizations. Recommendation for selected trends of Leadership Development that is beneficial for the future is leadership development should be Globalized: Globalization: Everybody keeps on talking about globalization, but word globalization is not clear to everyone and how to develop global leadership, it is even more confusing. Different skills used by global leaders. Some principles for globalizing the leadership development are: Thinking globally and Acting Globally: Global mindsets should be prepared. Global experiences, speaking different languages fluently, managing a globally diverse team, these are not important for globalization of leadership development. Only the mindsets and thinking globally can help in leadership development. The question is that what is global mindsets. It is, leaders need to understand local and cultural differences, and work according to that, which makes it easier for leaders and organization to complete the task. The similar situations are required, in which the local and the global elements demands are being forced, having been aware of the diversity across markets and cultures. Global workforce trends are divided into three parts 1. Macroeconomic: economic activities are being changed not only globally, but also regionally, and for this, leaders are required to think through the connections to their revenue streams; 2. Environmental and social: The importance of good leaders is making new ways in which talented leader leads their team globally. 3. Business and industry: Boundaries of a corporate/company are diminishing, on the other hand winning/healthy companies will supply capital. 4. Accept Diversity: Those organizations, which have a global thinking, accept their leaders in a program. They let their leaders interact with global issues and different kind of situations, and also with other leaders and the user of their organization. These leaders should not think that they have done any work earlier and so they can do it now also, because at the global level they have to adjust with diversity and work according to that. Accepting diversity not only includes accepting the cultural diversity, it includes working with a woman, and a leader should know how to deal with that situation. This needs a new way of thinking and also working in a new manner. Leaders and organizations which use today's technology and resources are in competition of other global organizations. These days, leaders are asking for technology rather than the cost reduction and the efficiency in processing. They want to use technology to reduce the physical distance, with the help of video conferencing and other useful tools for communication across the globe, whenever they want to use it. Usage of virtual networking, by the leaders plays a vital role to gather or send information quickly and use it efficiently makes a leader more efficient. Leverage Technology: Today's technology tools and resources are an aggressive asset for global companies. Today's leaders are demanding more from technology, they do not need technology only for process efficiency and related cost reduction processes. They expect technology to smash the work team across the globe in different ways: To make knowledge available for work team when required To provide telecommunication, video conferencing, meetings and sharing of application in different cities To make information available easily and in that particular format by which leaders and work team can use and reuse it anytime Virtual networking and collaboration makes the leader's role more effectively . Collaboration permits a successful change in company it occupies the work team who are in contact and creates a higher level of ownership for action to be taken. It assigns right projects to the right people at the right time. Be A Change Agent: New requirements for leaders are innovation and creativity, which makes them best in the global market. Leaders of previous market may have been successful in developed markets, but they face different problems, then today's emerging markets for which they are not prepared that makes those leaders unsuccessful in today's market, thats why they need to be up to date with today's technologies and tools. Reproducing best practice that they leveraged in today's emerging industry will lead to failure. There are many factors which make a successful leader few of them are knowledge, technical skills and experience, with the help of these factors global leaders are handling complexity. Leaders should be creative and innovative. Leaders which do not follow today's rules for doing business which uses old technology and old skills they are not that effective leader which today's company needs. Multigenerational influence and cultural intelligence are two factors which make a successful global l eader. Conclusion Several powerful insights have been revealed by the study of the global leadership development which may benefit organizations that look forward to compete globally. However, it is important to understand, while this study represents knowledge, technical skills and experience help to create the successful global business, it does not presume that every industry, company, or culture requires the same approach to global leadership. References: Ackerman, L. (1985). Leadership vs. Managership. Leadership Org Development J, 6(2), pp.17-19. Bush, R. (2002). Effective Nonprofit Management: The Leadership Factor. Nonprofit Management Leadership, 12(3), pp.327-333. Curtin, J. (2002). Teaching Versus Facilitating in Leadership Development. Journal of Leadership Education, 1(1), pp.58-67. Liu, K. (1999). Systemic leadership development. Leadership in Action, 19(3), pp.12-13. 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